Newsies at a Hotel (Modern)

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(Continuing from the roadtrip)

-So of course not everyone could share one room (even through they really wanted to.) So the newsies went off into different groups to hotel rooms, and were ready to spend the next 2 days in a hotel.

Group 1: Specs, Romeo, Henry, JoJo.

-This was by far the group who stayed in their room the most.

-Specs for most of the time at the hotel just did a bunch of tricks in the hallway, everytime they needed to find Specs they just had to look for a cartwheeling boy.

-Henry watched a lot, and I mean a lot of food network. He was always screaming at the TV at the cooking shows.


-JoJo took every single freebie he could get his hands on.

-Romeo found a spider and kept it as a pet, he named it Juliet and used a coffee mug to keep Juliet safe.

-JoJo one night reenacted the whole titanic movie.

-Really these guys just ate food and slept a lot.

Group 2: Race, Mush, Albert, Crutchie.

-This group caused so much chaos.

-Albert melted a bunch of marshmallows in the microwave, and PUT THEM ON HIS FACE TO USE AS A "FACE MASK." He even put graham crackers and chocolate on his face too. Somehow his skin did not burn, but it was painful peeling the mask off.

-Mush painted everyone's nails, it was the most peaceful thing that was done. Calming music and they even had tea to drink.

Race: (taking a Bible and looking through the pages)

Albert: What are you doing Race?

Race: Looking through the bible

Albert: why?

Race: because (takes money out of it) free money

-Anytime someone was out of the hotel room, Crutchie would start chasing them in the halls, AND CRUTCHIE CAN LIMP FAST IF HE WANTS TO. This was how he got revenge on them for leaving him behind.

-Albert turned the whole room into the "pillow land" pillows and blankets were everywhere, you had to crawl to get in, no one knows how Albert did this.

-Crutchie wrote a little more in his notebook.

i'm starting to think that the water here is poisioned it tastes like bath water with a hint of  toliet paper

-They had a race in the hall with luggage carts; Crutchie sitting on one cart with Mush pushing, and Race sitting on another cart with Albert pushing. Race and Crutchie threw lots of towels at each other during the race, while Albert and Mush kept trying to trip each other, in the end no one won because the carts crashed against a wall.

-Every time during breakfast Race would dance on the tables and get yelled at, that was until the last morning he got every newsie to join in and no one could stop them.

-It was a miracle that they didn't get kicked out of the hotel.

Group 3: Les, Jack, Davey, Buttons.

-The only time they were in their room was to sleep, they barely did anything in their room and instead looked around the hotel.

-Every time they went swimming in the pool, Les would always try and take someone down to the bottom of the pool with him. But even through Les wasn't heavy enough to take a full teenage boy down, they would always play along and "drown."

-Jack broke a vending machine, he kicked it too hard trying to get his goldfish out.

-When it was breakfast Buttons grabbed a plastic bag and filled it with cereal, just cereal.

-Les was always hiding in the halls, there was always a game of hide and seek going on.

-Davey was always going to the other rooms to check on how all the other newsies were doing.

-Jack somehow was able to paint with ketchup on a napkin, and actually made it look good.

Davey, pointing to a bottle in Button's hand: Buttons, where did you get that bottle?

Buttons: well.... I bought it from this little girl, she said that a fairy was inside. And I couldn't say no, she was looking at me with such big eyes

Les: I'm pretty sure that's just a bottle of beer

-Davey finally realized that he had drawings on his arm, and spend so much time trying to wash it off.

Group 4: Mike, Ike, Elmer, Finch.

-This group was a pure mess of chaos and calmness 

-Mike and Ike took all of their snacks and mixed them all together in a bowl, keep in mind there were chips, candy, and some disgusting snacks in there.

Finch: Elmer what are you drinking?

Elmer, not looking up from his drink: Vodka 

Finch: wHA- Elmer put the vodka down

Ike, over Elmer's shoulder smelling the drink: that's... Not vodka

Mike: yeah, it doesn't even look like two shots

Finch: Elmer do you know what vodka is?

Elmer, looking at everyone confused: ..... spicy fruit water?

-They played a game called, "go to the trash" which was like go fish expected that when someone said go to the trash, they would have to eat out of the disgusting snack bowl

-Very late one night, they were all still up. And decided to listen to scary stories on YouTube. Which was a terrible idea because both Finch and Elmer couldn't sleep for the rest of the night.

(Now back to everyone together again)

-Everyone was really ready to go back home. And with everyone being so tired in the early morning, they didn't realize that on the elevator; There were too many people, (since like every newsie was on it.) So they waited, and waited, for the elevator to start moving. And realized that they broke it and they were stuck.

(Next part will be about the fun time in the elevator. Also a shout-out to @newsiesofny12 for the elevator idea.)


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