Newsies on a Hike (Modern)

267 13 36

(Warning: cussing)

-Jack lead everyone on this nature journey with of course a sketch book with him. He put different people in charge of stuff.

-Mush was in change of the backpack that had all the snacks, water, and medical supplies they needed.

-Davey was in charge of keeping everyone together.

-Everyone else was in charge of staying alive.

-On a trail they found this huge stick, it was as tall as Les. There was a whole fight over if they can use it for a walking stick. Sadly they left it behind.

-Boots tried to take as many plants as he could. He even ate some random berries. But Katherine had to stop him because he was about to pick some poison ivy.

-Jack was so blinded by drawing mother nature's beauty that he got everyone lost. Which caused panic from everyone.


Race: Calm down, there's at least 3 brain cells that can help us


(Race throws trail mix at her)

Race: eat your fucking snackys 

-Since they were lost, Katherine had the idea for someone to climb a tree to see where they were. Romeo wanting to do anything for Katherine did it, he did almost fall but helped them get back on track.

-They reached a spot where they were two different paths: one nice, clear, sunny path, and one dark, small path. Jack being sO sMaRt went with the dark path.

-The path was really dark and overgrown, needless to say everyone got lots of spiderwebs on them.

Elmer: Guys look at this flower it's so pretty!

Tommy Boy, looking at the flower with Elmer: Woah that is-

(Finch steps on it without realizing)

-Crutchie made friends with this little snail he found, he took it with him for a little while. But let it go because as Crutchie said, "The snails need their freedom."

-They had to cross water by going on stepping stones. Jack carried Crutchie with him. Specs being a queen JUMPED over the whole thing, and so many newsies fell in the water.

-At one point Kid Blink wanted to race someone. Sarah up to the challenge raced him on the trail. Let's just say that Kid Blink fell.

Kid Blink, getting up: You tripped me!

Sarah: No, no, gravity tripped you

-Finch tried to talk to the birds.

-They crossed a rope bridge and Mike and Ike wanting to be funny jumped on the bridge. That caused lots of screaming.

-They reached the top of the mountain, all the newsies were so silent because they never saw anything so beautiful.  

JoJo: Hey Henry look!

(JoJo jumps off the cliff of the mountain)

Henry: JoJo? JOJO!? 

(JoJo appears out of a bush)

JoJo: Look Henry, I'm fine! I'm not dead!

Henry: You're right, at least.. not yet


-Everyone enjoyed the nice break at the mountain; eating snacks, pouring water on each other so that their skin can "drink," and sitting on some nice grass

-Buttons saw a wasp nest near them, and when he pointed it out to everyone. Albert for some reason thought it was a pinata and almost got everyone killed from wasps.

Buttons, holding Albert back: Albert put the stick down

Albert: No, I WANT MY CANDY!

(Albert pushes Buttons to the ground)

Buttons: ALBERT NO

- When everyone was getting ready to go back down. Crutchie said that he didn't think he was going to be able to keep walking. So Jack gave Crutchie a piggyback ride.

-The journey back down the trail wasn't really interesting, everyone was just mostly tired and wanted to go home.

Les: Are we almost there?

Davey: No Les

Les: Well how much longer it is going to be?

Sarah: A lot longer if you don't shut your mouth 

-After finally getting out of the trail. Everyone never thought they would be so happy to see the city again.

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