Kim Namjoon • I'm sorry

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At this time of the year, I really don't want him going out. You might be wondering why and I will tell you.

Reason being is because I'm in the Mafia. At this time of the year, it's the killing season. The killing season is when the item sellers by really good weapons and they sell them to Mafia leaders or workers. When they get there good weapons, they can easily kill a Mafia leader which is why I don't what him going out.

Who am I talking about? Well, it's my baby. Kim Namjoon. I found him one day in a coffee shop. It was my break day from my work. I was also really stressed out that day I was going down the street s but one day, I found this small coffee shop.

Being curious, I went into the shop and found him. He was selling and making coffee while some co-workers were also helping. But he interested me with his cute little smile, his adorable clothes he wore and his kind energy.

I came back every day for 3 months and on the fourth month, I finally told him I wanted to be with him. And look at us now, I'm one of the best Mafia leaders while he's my mafia baby boy.

He wanted to go to the mall today but I just couldn't let him. The other mafia leaders know who he is and if he goes out, it won't be safe for him.

Or I should say them. It's because he's pregnant. 6 months pregnant. Little chubby boy with a round belly. When he took that pregnancy test, I was so happy to find the results. And since he's so close to his due date, I don't want him risking him and our baby's safety so that's why I didn't let him out.

Right now, he's in his room.

At least...I think...

                ╭       ─┉─ • ─┉─       ╮
                    •Namjoon's P.O.V•
                ╰     ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─     ╯

I hope Noona doesn't get mad at me...idk why she won't let me go to the mall. I really what to go to the mall since they have a baby sale at my favorite baby store! The baby does need some footies so I should get them while I can.

I quickly put on my shoes while struggling a little it I eventually got them on. Once I got downstairs, I quickly looked around trying to see if she's near, but looks like she's not. So I quickly went out the door and closes it back quietly. It was starting to be dark so I have to be careful...Good thing I brought my phone. It's in my pocket rn so that's always good.

Now, time to get those footies! I got into the mall quickly and went go the store seeing the lady at the register.

  "Hi Lisa!!" I told her as she looked up and smiled at me.

  "Namjoon? You aren't supposed to be here! (Y/N) already called me this morning to let me know!" She said with wide eyes as she walked over towards me. I looked at her and nodded a little bit.

  "I-I know, but I really needed to get those footies before the end of today. Is there any more left...? Am I too late...?" I asked her with eyes full of desperation.
She looked at me for a little bit and sighed.

  "You glad I know how you act. Here, I saved these for you and paid for them." She told me as she walked to the back then came out with two adorable pairs of the booties. One was pink and one was blue since we didn't know the gender. Me and (Y/N) wanted to wait till the baby is born to know which I think is a good idea.

  "Thank you so much Lisa!" I said as I took the booties and put them in my bag. But them something made me wonder. Why did she say I shouldn't be here.

  "Hey Lisa" I walked, "why am I not supposed to be here?" She looked at me with wide eyes, looked around and whispered.

  "It's because it's killing season for mafia leaders!" She told me. My eyes went wide. Killing season?! What's that?!

~💖Pregnancy Switch💖~ Sub Pregnant BTS x Dom Reader Oneshots, Smuts, and FluffsWhere stories live. Discover now