Hello Cullens

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(Marilyn's P.O.V.)

I'm going to see my dear old friends, the Cullen's, It's been a while since i last messed with them and I'm pretty bored so why not? I passed a sign saying 'Welcome to Forks' since I've been doing nothing for hours i decided to change 'Forks' to 'Spoons' not my best prank but I still have to get to the Cullen's house. I'm pretty sure Alice has already seen me by now but she doesn't know what I'm planing, heck I don't even know what I'm going to do but I'll figure something out when I get there.

(TIME SKIP.. brought to you by Victoria the dead Vamp.)

"What a lovely house, too bad I'm around" I say to my self while looking at the house, "don't you dare do anything to this house" says some one from behind me, I turn around and see the Cullens and a few other people, "but Esme what if i want to break just one window???"


"Only one, PLeaseeeeee"

"no" Emmet cuts in saying "You're so annoying Marilyn"

"Stay out of this Emmet"

"Why are you here anyways??" Asks Rosalie

"Who are they?" I ask ignoring her question.

"This is Bella, Edward's wife." Carlisle says while pointing at a girl with brown hair "I never thought i would hear the words Edward and wife being used in a sentence" i said and Jasper, Alice and the 3 the 3 tan shape shifters laughed while Eddy growls at me. "aw come on Eddy don't be like that, last time I saw you, you where a lonely old man." "I see you haven't changed I bit, you would think that now that you're older you would be more mature but then again you are Marilyn McCarthy and for the last time My name isn't Eddy!" Eddy says while walking next to Bella "OK whatever you say EDDY." I say while looking back at Carlisle and signaled him to go on. " OK so this is Renesemee, Edward's and Bella's daughter" Carlisle said while pointing at a girl standing next to one of the shifters. "wow I never thought the eddy could get one girl let alone two" i say while looking at them in fake shock, while the others where trying not to laugh. "These are Seth and Leah Clearwater and that Is Jacob, Jake, Black. He imprinted on Renesemee and Seth and Leah's alpha" says Carlisle while pointing at the shifters. "wow i never thought that a shifter would imprint on a blood sucker" i say, they decided to ignore my comment while Leah and Seth where trying to not laugh "Any way guys this lovely young lady is Marilyn McCarthy, she's a fairy" Carlisle says while pointing at me. They looked kind of shocked " wow, i never thought fairy's were real" says Seth while looking at me in aw.

" Are you related to uncle Emmet?" asks Renesemee while looking at me and Emmet "He wishes, I'm too sexy to be related to someone as unpleasant as him" i say. I'm pretty sure that made Emmet really mad cuz he looked ready to kill me. My wings came out and I took of flying into the forest with Emmet hot on my tail. "get back here so i can kill you, you little brat." i heard Emmet scream behind me. "You're gonna have to catch me first" i say back as we run along a stream. I looked to my left and i saw a big black wolf and a gray one watching Emmet, then i realized that maybe he wasn't allowed on the other side of the river, So i tried to fly to the other side but Emmet caught my foot but the gray wolf pushed him once we got close to the other side making us both hit the water. I got up as fast as i could before Emmet could grave me and stood next to the wolf that looked like he was laughing at us. Emmet glared at me then the at the wolf, the wolf glared back at him and the rest of the Cullens showed up and laughed at us "are you ok Marilyn?" Carlisle asked me once he saw me on the other side. "Yes I am, I'm not sure if Emmet will be after I'm done with his fucking ass" I moved my hands and vines started to wrap around Emmet, he tried to pull them off but they wouldn't move, then the vines started to pull him under the water till you could only see the top of his head. " I didn't know she could do magic" Alice said " I didn't either" said Carlisle. "oh yeah i forgot to tell ya that the reason I haven't been around was because i was learning to control the elements and use magic " i said. "why do you have Emmet under water? you do know he can't drown" says Rose "I know, but sometimes I wish he could"

While were talking I didn't notice that the two other shifters were now humans and were standing next to me. "Who is she?" asked the older looking one and I could tell by the way he stood and spoke that he was the alpha...

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