Chapter 1

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With only the passion of loving basketball by his side, Kuroko had always been alone. No one seemed to be able to see him so maybe he just didn't exist?

He just was there, but also not.

Parents were not a thing in his life, quite literally as he seemed to only remember being alone. All the potential relatives seem to only want to help financially and cut all other contacts so he's never heard from them apart from his once a month generous financial help.

Alone in his apartment that felt too big for his small body, Kuroko spent everyday wondering what it would be like to have friends.

Since his relatives wanted nothing to do with him and just threw money instead of actually meeting him, Kuroko lived in a nice house with a large living room, large kitchen, five bedrooms, and four bathrooms. There was also an attic where he kept a lot of stuff and a basement which was completely empty so he used as a basketball court.

He knew how to cook but it was just easier to just buy food so that was what he did. Eating alone in the large house where he was left with his thoughts were daunting and only made his isolated self feel worse.

He had tried making friends but they would not even realize that he was there. Maybe he wasn't even alive, was he a ghost?

...Please hang out with me for even just a little while...

Was all that he could think about every single repetitive day as he walked home alone.

Please... can anyone hear me?

That was pretty much it. He was invisible to others and lately... He was becoming invisible to himself.

Being alone meant Kuroko was observant. He could read most people like an open book and because of this, he could see a shining glow from every single person around him.

It was the glow of their hearts.

Kuroko enviously stared at the twinkling hearts and looked in the mirror at his own. But all that stared back was a lonely sad boy who cried every night without being heard. A boy who wanted to be seen but was invisible to everyone. A boy who wanted to shine like the others...

He must not have a heart then...

That was it. He didn't have a heart resulting in being unable to be seen. So... Where was his heart?

Alone to others and alone to himself, Kuroko spent his whole elementry school life knowing only the reflection in the mirror.

By the time he started new again in middle school, even if it was sad, even if it was frustrating, and even when his heart was always in pain, he still couldn't be seen and it eventually just all became numb.

No one cared enough to ever listen to him anyway so his knees were his only friend.

Each night, the tears fell down drops after drops and no one ever even knew about his cry for help since no one ever saw him.

But...maybe it was chance and absolute luck but while bouncing the basketball home one day, a stranger with a smile lunged forward and played. The ball was taken from his hands and for the first time ever, someone spoke to him.

"You want to learn how to play?"

I Can Be Seen |GoM x Kuroko Where stories live. Discover now