Chapter 16

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The blonde suddenly appeared out of nowhere and made a running start for Kuroko but the blue was ready.

He slipped from beside Kagami to the red head's stomach and immediately caught Kise's face in his palm.

"Kise no" Kuroko sighed and Kagami watched with great amusement as Kise and Kuroko ran around him in a mini game of tag before someone walked over and wacked the blonde around the head

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"Kise no" Kuroko sighed and Kagami watched with great amusement as Kise and Kuroko ran around him in a mini game of tag before someone walked over and wacked the blonde around the head.

As a senior of Kaijou told Kise off, Kagami suddenly felt cold. Realizing that it was only Kuroko detaching himself from his body, Kagami blushed a little as he found himself missing the person who fitted so well in his chest.

After the insult from the opposition's coach, Takeuchi, as he underestimated them, Kuroko smiled internally as Kise joined the game.

"Kurokocchi! If I win, join us at Kaijou okay?!??" Kise yelled and Kuroko only sighed and looked away before Kagami smiled and ruffled the baby blue's head.

"You're on, and Kuroko isn't leaving Seirin."

The match was intense as Kise and Kagami kept alternating the scores until Seirin called for a time-out.

"WHAAAATTTT?!" Riko yelled as Kuroko explained that his misdirection wears off but insisted that he should keep playing.

Kagami blushed at the intense love for basketball and shook it off as the challenge Kaijou presented for him.

Kise caught Kuroko's eye contact and smiled goofingly as he waved. Kuroko mostly ignored him but his fingers did a little wave, earning a happy screech from Kaijou.

Why am I agitated?

Kagami felt unsettled as he saw their interaction and when the time out was over, he ruffled Kuroko's hair and pulled the baby blue close. With a smug grin, he told Kise that Kuroko was his weakness, due to his invisible play style and Kise only shrugged before winking at Kuroko.

The first quarter finished with Kaijou in the lead, 27-35 but Kagami started to coordinate with Kuroko, becoming more and more aware of the invisible boy's presence.

The flow of the game switched in Seirin's favor until....


Kise accidentally hit Kuroko and the baby blue immediately fell to the floor.


Kise panicked as Kuroko didn't move for a moment and the blonde's face changed into anger at himself.

"Kurokocchi I-"

"I'm fine Kise."

Sitting up, Kuroko nodded towards Kagami before turning to Kise.

"I want my payment payed full."

Kise nodded before tuning to face Kagami and by fourth quarter, Kaijo was just out of their reach. Kise was sweating as he ran forward, his heart racing as he put his all into playing. He was going to pay back Kuroko in full.

He still loved him after all.

His heart skipped a few beats as Kuroko re-entered the match. He wanted to tell the baby blue to rest but he was going to respect Kuroko's wishes so he kept silent.

The pace picked up and the score became tied as Kuroko definitely changed the flow.

Heartbeats thumping so hard that he could hardly focus on anything else, Kise let out a smile as he ran forward.

He could feel nothing but his love for basketball and it was the most fun he had felt for a while. A feeling that made him feel nostalgic as his eyes watched the ball flash away because of Kuroko.

Although it was a little sad that Kagami was the one to receive the ball.

In the last few seconds, Kuroko and Kagami score with an alley-oop, beating Kaijou with a score of 100-98.

Shocked was an understatement as Kise felt a feeling of him falling, the crash of his first ever official loss.

But although it hurt, something in the back of Kise's mind told him that this wasn't as much as the pain he and the others had caused Kuroko but taking the loss gave him a sense of relief.

It's a good feeling.

On another floor, a certain boy with green hair muttered to himself about Kise's lose and dissappeared before anyone could see him.

Seirin celebrated their victory by visiting a steakhouse but when they were meant to go back, Riko yelled into the night as Kuroko was nowhere to be found.

"Kurokocchi, am.. I forgiven?" Kise asked and Kuroko mouth gently moved into a smile as he held his arms open.


Kise teared up a little as he ran forward and immediately embraced Kuroko, lifting his crush up, feeling a heat he didn't know how much he missed until that point.

"I love you Kurokocchi!!" he smiled and Kuroko hugged him tight

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"I love you Kurokocchi!!" he smiled and Kuroko hugged him tight.

"I love you too Kise."

With the time when Kuroko hated basketball forgiven, Kise gently placed Kuroko down as he pointed at Kagami who was standing on the other side of the metal fence.

"He's a lot like him you know?"

Kuroko nodded with a sad face and Kise patted his head.

"I'll support you no matter what Kurokocchi so make sure Kagami won't eventually grow apart from your team okay? Like how he did."

Kise avoided the person's name, knowing it would probably hurt Kuroko for now and placed a kiss on his crush's forehead.

"I don't want to see you hurt again Kurokocchi."

Kagami ran over immediately as he saw Kise kiss Kuroko on the forehead but before any argument came out, they watched with an unpleasant feeling as some thugs started harassing street basketballers.

At first they two players didn't do anything until both their hearts missed a beat.


Seeing the baby blue intervening, Kise and Kagami sigh as they ran into the court to stand around Kuroko who the bullies tried to gang up on.

Guess it was time beat the bullies at basketball.

With a cold smile as both boys get uncomfortable with a stranger pushing his face so close to Kuroko's, the two settled a mutual truce as Kuroko passed the ball.

Literally a few minutes later, they won and Kise yawned before giving Kuroko his last hug got the day.

"I'm coming for a sleepover tomorrow!"

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