Chapter 13

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"Oi! Time to eat idiots!"

Kuroko got up and lead Kise into the dining section of the large living room and the three sat down to eat.

"Woah this looks good whatsyourface!" Kise exclaimed excitedly as he said his thanks and dug in.

"My name is Kagami!" The red head sighed annoyed, he had basically given up on trying to get Kise to remember his name.

Kuroko nodded before also tucking in too and his eyes widened just a little when he tasted it. It was much saltier than the food he cooked but the abundance of rice and soup helped wash it down.

He smiled on the inside a little as he thought, this food reminds me of Kagami. Very intense especially in basketball but watching him play is really refreshing.

"Woah Kurokocchi you smiled!" Kise said pointing at Kuroko's poker face.

"what? No he didn't." Said Kagami confused.

Kise wiped the little bit of rice of Kuroko's cheek as he warmly smiled at the smaller boy.

"It's been a while since I saw you happy. It makes me happy too!" Kise chirped as he licked the bit of rice off his finger. "And he totally just did, I know because I can read Kurokocchi like an open book!"

Kuroko nodded and kept eating while Kagami stared at them the whole time.

"Are you sure you two are not dating?!"

"Uwaah? You think we look like a couple?"

"We're not dating, Kagami."

"But we could right? I love you Kurokocchi!!"

"huh? Yeah I love you too but you remember what I promised right? Do you really want a pair of scissors?"

"oh...yeah....well fine...I'm not giving up though!"

"oi what are you talking about?"

"None of your business false light!"

"Why do you call me that!?"

Kise and Kagami kept bickering at the table as Kuroko silently continued eating. It felt nice to hear so much noise again.

After the meal, Kagami grabbed his things ready to leave and as he was putting on his shoes, he leaned back to listen what the other two were saying.

"Kurokocchi! Can I sleep in your bed?" Kise was whining and something ticked Kagami off as he assumed Kuroko nodded because the blonde let a loud shriek of happiness that tore through the house.

He left, annoyed.

It's none of my business.

As for Kuroko, he did nod because although there were guest rooms, he did miss the warmth of people so he agreed.

They cuddled together on the bed as the later night hours rolled in and Kise couldn't sleep.

"Kurokocchi...? Are you... Awake?"

There was no answer and Kise sighed heavily. The fact that he knew he hurt the boy he use to and still loved so much because he was too focused on catching up with Aomine, hurt him to no end.

"I'm... sorry Kurokocchi..." he whispered as the blonde rested his chin on Kuroko's hair.

"... Why?"

"Kurokocchi you're awake!"

The baby blue nodded as leaned back a little, pressing his back onto Kise's stomach.

"W-well... Like I said earlier, we hurt you.." Kise stammered but Kuroko shook his head.

"Yeah but I forgi-"


Kuroko stared at the blonde who earnestly looked into Kuroko's eyes.

"You shouldn't forgive us! We hurt you even though we promised to look after you. I don't even deserve to hug you anymore but you still treat me like you always have, Kurokocchi you're too nice! You sh-hmmf?"

Kise's desperate apology came to an end as his eyes widened with shock. Kuroko was kissing his mouth closed and quickly it heated up. Their tounge intertwining, the blonde rolled over and they kept kissing with Kise over Kuroko's thin body.

When their lips finally parted, Kise pulled himself up and Kuroko touched his lips with a small smile.

Kise blushed at the smile as he waited for Kuroko to talk.

"You know? I missed everyone's touch because you all left me alone. It did hurt."

He saw the look of pain of Kise's face and smiled before lifting both arms to wrap around the blonde's neck

"So I'll beat you all with my basketball when you're at your best and then get you to give me all the hugs I want as payment." Kuroko said smugly as he pulled Kise down onto his body, letting warmth embrace him.

"Then I'll forgive you all."

Kise smiled brightly before flopping back down onto Kuroko, squishing the small body under himself.

"Well I guess I'll be the first to atone and collect my check. I'll pay before the game and go all out!"

Kuroko smiled as he welcomed the warmth.

"Yeah, we're going to beat you."

They drift off into sleep and for the first time in a while, Kuroko woke up the next morning with not a single nightmare during the night.

"Kise?" he yawned as he turned his alarm off and looked around. The usual Mr Fivemoreminutessss was nowhere to be found. Instead the sounds of pans could be heard in his kitchen.

Seeing a shirt on the ground, he picked it up and put it on.

Definitely not mine...

Kuroko grumbled in annoyance at how large it was as he wobbled over to the kitchen.

Kise stood there wearing only his pants, making pancakes like how Kuroko taught him the few years ago.

"Mornin'" Kuroko yawned as he tried giving the blonde a hug but received a kiss instead.

"Good morning Kurokocchi!" Kise smiled as he pointed to the hot pan in his hands

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"Good morning Kurokocchi!" Kise smiled as he pointed to the hot pan in his hands.

"Don't burn yourself! Or it will be a repeat of the egg incident!!"

Kuroko smiled a little and nodded before backed off a little as Kise grinned.

"My plan worked!"

Kuroko tilted his head in confusion and Kise made a weird face.

"You look amazing in only my shirt!"


After shrugging it off and eating breakfast, Kise made sure they left extra early so he could walk Kuroko to school.

"Oh, there's my taxi!" Kise sighed as he got ready to let go of Kuroko's hand. He had been holding it the whole time.

"I'll see you tomorrow at the game!"

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