Chapter 17

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"I'm coming for a sleepover tomorrow!"

Kagami was walking Kuroko home after Kise finally left, changing Kagami's name from whatsyourface to Kagamicchi, and they were told off by the team together.

They said goodbye to the others and Kagami offered to walk part way with Kuroko as they lived in the same direction and although Kuroko didn't really talk, Kagami found that he didn't mind doing most of the talking. It was very different from the conversations back in America that he was use to but he didn't hate it. Instead, time seemed to fly as the next thing he knew, they were standing outside Kuroko's house with the baby blue opening the door.

"Are you sure you're not a stalker Kagami?" he asked the the red head blushed.

"No! I just get carried away!"

Kuroko smiled internally to himself and nodded teasingly before walking inside.

"Want to stay the night again?"

Kagami was going to turn down the offer but what happened the previous night was all too concerning.

How Kuroko thrashed in his sleep when they lost physical contact and the lack of response when Kuroko's breathing became uneven.

And the one that hurt Kagami, the pained expression.

"Ehhh sure" he said casually and Kuroko nodded before moving aside to let Kagami in and the red head decided to keep on exploring the house since last time he got distracted. Kuroko went to make dinner as he did and the red head went from room to room.

I thought this last time but... Wow he's rich...

The first room he looked into was a bedroom. Complete with the basics for someone to comfortably live in, there was a bed, desk, wardrobe and good space.

Guess this is a guest bedroom... It's clean but no one lives in here.

The next room was also the same, except a massive pile of futons were neatly folded there too and Kagami had no idea why Kuroko had that many futons.

Maybe he and the generation of miracles slept in the same room often?

The third room was exactly the same and Kagami was getting worried.

Where are his parent's bedroom? Does he live alone? In a house this big?

And when he saw the fourth room with the same result, Kagami didn't know how to feel.

He stood outside Kuroko's room, the one he had slept in previously and opened the door. He didn't notice last time but this time he sure did.

He really doesn't have much more than the basic essentials... Well I guess I'm the same.

The house obviously had another layer and Kagami looked around until he saw the latch for the attic. It was locked though and although he was curious, the smell of dinner told him he wouldn't have time.

He went back through the large living room to the kitchen and seeing Kuroko happily make food for two was a heartwarming sight.

Feeling compelled to hug him again, but not like the first time when Kuroko was in a nightmare, Kagami pulled Kuroko into his arms again. Their bodies matched up better than last time as there was obviously a lot less awkward, and a few minutes passed before Kuroko patted Kagami's arm.


"huh? Yeah okay dinner"

Kagami was unsure of what else to say and instead just let go before running to set the table. However, he clearly saw the discomfort Kuroko gave off and Kagami sighed as he remembered the fake smile.

"You really can make anything except for eggs then?" Kagami asked and Kuroko nodded. They had fun just idly chatting and when they were done, Kagami let out a satisfying belch.

"Aaaahhhh that hit the spot!"

Kuroko smiled and put away the dishes before going to his room and returning with a basketball.

"Yo! Are we gonna play?!" Kagami asked excitedly and Kuroko nodded before they headed down to the court underneath the house.

"You have a basketball court?!"

Even if he was getting use to the surprises, Kagami was astonished once again as Kuroko passed him the ball.

He immediately slammed dunked it and Kuroko nodded happily.

As I thought, I like his smiling face better.

They played a few rounds before they were completely worn out before heading to the bathroom to wash up.

When night came, Kagami was once again sleeping in Kuroko's bed and this time without even being invited.

"Did the others do this?" he asked Kuroko and the blue head nodded.

"Kise liked to sneak in and Aomine sometimes wandered in and fell asleep before I could get him out. I would sometimes fall asleep and wake up in Murasakibara's arms because he said he was cold and wanted a person-"

Kuroko huffed and claimed he wasn't small and although Kagami calmed him down, he didn't disagree with the generation of miracle.

"Midorima was actually more kissy than everyone else. I think he just liked kissing though and was embarrassed because he always did it either alone or with the others. Never in public like the others."


Kagami interrupted the story as he processed what was said.

"You... All kiss? Like Kise did to you?!"

Kuroko nodded.

"Well of course."

Kagami couldn't understand as he muttered to himself.

"I heard of Japanese traditions being weird in the eyes of Americans and the other countries but this is like the French! But even they just gives kisses to the cheek?"

Kuroko gave him a confused look and snuggled a bit closer to Kagami's warmth and the red head sighed.

"Why though?"

Kuroko avoided eye contact once again so Kagami pulled the blue close.

"You don't have to say remember? Tell me when you're ready."

Putting the subject to rest, the lights were turned off and Kagami wrapped an arm around Kuroko's body.

"huh? Kagami?"

"It's so you don't roll out like last time"

Not wanting to see Kuroko's panicked nightmare, Kagami made sure he held Kuroko tight as they started to fall asleep.


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