Chapter 6

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After school, Kuroko looked into the fridge and saw they had run out of miso paste. He quickly got dressed in warm clothes since it was late and almost winter before heading out.

After meeting with Momoi who had memorised everyone's tastes, they went around until it was nearly dark.

"Oh! It's so late!" Momoi looked at her pink phone before she tugged at Kuroko's sleeve. "Let's go!"

Once they reached near the enterance, Momoi gasped as they saw Kise sat a the top of the stairs in simple clothing.

"You must be freezing!" Momoi ran in with a hurry to grab him a coat while Kuroko slowly crouched beside the blonde.

"You okay?"

Kise got up and gave Kuroko a tight hug without saying anything.

"Kise?" Kuroko asked with concern

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"Kise?" Kuroko asked with concern. At that moment, Kise suddenly let go before running inside.

"Akaashicchi I did it! I don't need to run five times right?!"

Kuroko sighed as he took off his coat and Akaashi got up from under the kotatsu to explain.

"Sorry Tetsuya, I'll explain once we're inside."

Kuroko quickly took off his shoes and put his vanilla shake into the fridge for later as Akaashi explained that he had seen Kuroko with a sad face the day before.

Kuroko's eyes widened as he didn't realize that he had been caught with the other him that he had at the back of his head. He apologized and Akaashi patted his head. "If anything happens, you can tell me."

Kuroko nodded and they went into the living room where the others were watching a drama show with a lot of girls. Aomine probably chose it then.


"Yes Akaashi?" Kuroko turned to look at him as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"why did you kiss me Akaashi?" Kuroko said with a look of confusion

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"why did you kiss me Akaashi?" Kuroko said with a look of confusion.

"It was just my way of saying cheer up okay?"

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