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Two weeks later, the Government of India announced that Indian citizens living abroad would now be allowed back into the country. Charter flights would be used for the same, and adequate measures would be taken at the Indian airports to get the incoming passengers tested for the virus before they are allowed to go home. Annika was elated. She would be able to go back home to her parents and brother, to Mumbai. But amidst all this happiness, the thought of not living with Shivaay was giving her a sinking feeling. She had gotten so used to this lifestyle. A part of her, though, was a little relieved as well. It was almost like she and Shivaay had wrapped themselves around a bubble, and Annika wanted to see whether their relationship would survive outside of this bubble or not.

"It's decided then," Shivaay announced as he walked into her room after a few calls back home. "The first flight from Toronto to Mumbai is next weekend. We should take that."

Annika nodded meekly.

"I'll inform my parents and ask dad to book my ticket."

"No need for that," Shivaay waved his hand as he scrolled through his phone, "I'll book both our tickets. Just tell me your passport number."

Annika frowned but recited the number anyway.

"At least tell me how much I have to pay you?"  She asked. Shivaay looked at her like she was dumb.

"Babe, when I said I'll book the tickets, I meant that I'll pay for it as well. And no arguments on that." Saying this, he moved out of the room. Annika followed behind him.

"Shivaay, you can't just do that!" She cried, making him turn around. "My dad won't allow it."

"Well, just tell your dad you paid me back," Shivaay shrugged. Annika scowled.

"But I can pay for my ticket, Shiv," She reasoned. "What's the need for you to do it? If you want to give me a gift or something, just buy me chocolates at the airport."

"It's not about a gift," Shivaay rolled his eyes. "I just want to buy your ticket. End of discussion." He again moved towards his room.

"You can't end every discussion saying end of discussion!" Annika yelled. He had already shut the door. Annika groaned. Her boyfriend could be really frustrating.


Shivaay and Annika started packing their bags the very next day. Annika was sad thinking she would have to say goodbye to this condo soon, but to her surprise, Shivaay informed her that he had bought the place.

"We can come back here whenever we want," He had said nonchalantly as if it didn't cost him thousands of dollars. "You can also come and stay here if you get bored of your dorm." Annika of course didn't accept. She wouldn't want to come here without him and besides, she loved the dorm life.

It was while they were packing their suitcases when the mishap happened. Shivaay asked Annika to give him her passport so that he could keep it safely till their flight. Annika rummaged through the backpack she had brought along, sure that her passport was in there. It wasn't. Heart beat accelerating by the minute, she searched through her suitcase, the wardrobe, all the drawers in the room. It was nowhere. Fully panicking now, Annika ran to Shivaay and informed him about the situation.

"What?" Shivaay cried out. Annika almost flinched. "What do you mean it's not there, Annika? Where can it be?"

"I left some of my stuff in the campus lockers, so maybe there," She answered timidly. She was already so tensed and his tone of voice wasn't helping.

"Oh God," Shivaay pinched the bridge of his nose, "and your campus must be closed right now, yes?"

Annika only nodded.

"Great," Shivaay let out. The Shivaay that Annika hadn't encountered in a long time was now surfacing. "Way to be irresponsible, Annika. How could you just leave your passport behind like that!"

"It's not like it was intentional!" Annika yelled, her voice cracking. Tears were forming in her eyes and she didn't know if it was because she was angry or upset.

"Well, now that your passport is there, we can't go back home until your campus opens, and God knows when that will be," Shivaay taunted. Annika looked at him with hurtful eyes before running back to her room.

"Why don't you go back, Shivaay? Please don't stay back on my behalf!" She shouted before slamming the door shut. Once inside, the tears came almost instantly.

Love in the Time of Corona | drabble series ✅Where stories live. Discover now