Voting time: choose the book cover (CLOSED)

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I want you to get involve and pick which cover it's better for Devilish's sequel 'Vindicate'.

I made 5 covers so we're going to do a little voting and we'll see which one wins :D


1.- 'Vindicate' in white letters, Raiza's and Harry's eyes transformation, clouds/heavenly background.

2.- 'Vindicate' in white letters, Raiza with demon Harry behind her, black background.

3.- 'Vindicate' in white letters, Raiza's and Harry's eyes transformation, black and white feathers background.

4.- 'Vindicate' in white letters with angel wings behind it, Raiza's and Harry's eyes transformation, greyish background.

5.- 'Vindicate' in grey letters, Raiza's and Harry's eyes transformation, black and white feathers background.

The voting will be open until I upload the first chapter and that when the winner cover will be upload as well.

Thank you for stikcing around to find out what's going to happen between Raiza and Harry! :D

I love you,

Mari. x

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