Chapter Forty. 🟢

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King Icarus had never been more confused in his life. One day he had everything figured out and by the next court session everything fell apart. He had been ruling for far too long to know things like these happen.

His Father the former King of Trevillia had gone through worse and His mother was not much help. He raised his eyes to the sky, clutching a rail from the balcony he stood at. All those years ago the gods had taken his parents and given him a mandate to rule, yet he never once felt their help.

One would think it was because he never offered sacrifices, but Dominica prayed at the temple every day for his household. He tried to remember where everything had gone wrong. His Generals found it difficult to agree on a strategy and from the rumors the reaching his court, the King of Volturun is gathering an armada. He prayed it was not a result of Artemis doing.

Icarus knew should Trevillia go to war they would likely face defeat. They were too divided to fight any strong opponent, and it had been years since he left his Kingdom.

He agreed to find Grathos because Artemis felt it would solve their problem. King Icarus was clueless to the problem, yet he had been trying to solve it. He walked back inside and headed for his Queen.

She barely came out of her chambers after their son was released. Maybe she felt it as well as he did, how close they were to losing their heir. King Icarus spotted the Princess Sophia on his way.

Sophia looked shaken as she walked past him quickly, only stopping for a second to curtsey. She was looking stressed as he was. Perhaps he should take her off court duties as she had years to learn the ways of court in theory. He thought about that later as the doors to Queen Artemis' hall opened.

He gave her this gift after she assisted in a riddle. He felt she needed her space. Unlike he expected she was not sitting rather she was at the window Sil in a corner. Next to her were two chairs and a table with a finished game of chess. He understood quickly why Sophia walked past in a hurry. She lost against her mother again.

"You really should let her win some day," he said, announcing his presence.

All the servants and guards disappeared without notice, leaving just them. Queen Artemis did not turn to face him immediately, for she was in deep thought.

"The day she defeats me, she may have my crown." Artemis replied.

She still gazed at the palace through the window.

King Icarus sighed and poured himself some wine, chugging it all down. He had been too busy to even sit down and enjoy some wine with his Queen as he used to. He stared too long at the empty chalice, remembering what it was like.

"I take it you've heard about Trolvidis." he raised his eyes up to meet hers.

She had left the window Sil and now stood in front of him.

"Voltun is rising, Artemis. We would be foolish not to be ready."

"We both know Trolvidis is mad but not insane enough to attack us" she scoffed.

Artemis sat on a chair. She dressed causally in a gown that was loose around her with her hair brushed down.

"I speak of an emergency Artemis, My spies count 10, 000 men at the ready with ships uncountable. Soon they would control the seas, even the ones far from their border. They are calling out, waiting for our reaction, yet we have a problem that has gotten worse since the night of the prophecy." he blurted out.

Artemis was taken back. Her bored expression was gone the moment she stood.

"The prophecy has nothing to do with this. Trolvidis is being foolish and you would see that too."

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