Chapter Forty - One.🟢

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She could hear the cheers from the stadium from the Palace. People must have come from all over the Kingdom to watch the Queen's game.

Cora was excited about the games. She hated she would watch her brother Tivo fight for his life, but rumours in the Palace say her brother Barun was back and that the knights returned with the crown Prince of Dabrack.

There was so much she had to tell him, and she was unsure of how much time she would have with him before they sent him off on another mission. Taking one last look at her outfit in the full-length mirror, she smiled at her new dress.

At her request, Devka had braided her hair in one and adorned them with flowers and hair pins. It made her head heavy, but she could move around comfortably and they were beautiful.

Meeting her brother was the least of her worries she was plagued with the excuse she would give the Prince for her absence. Devka had welcomed her back, no questions asked, but she never got to see the prince since his return.

Devka informed her he would come for her today and they would go to the games. What would she tell him if he asked? Would he assume she tried to run away?

"Are you worried about seeing the prince?" Devka asked her, closing the door behind her.

"I worry for many things, Devka," she told her. "but yes, the prince is one of them."

"Thinking too much will make you old in your youth, milady. The Prince would understand that it was not safe for you to return. Tank and Komee told him where you were."

"He is here, isn't he?" Cora sighed.

Devka bowed her head shyly. Once again, she was caught in one of her attempts to hide things away.

"He waits by the corridor. You may spend sometime with the Royal family before the games begin. Whatever you need Cora, I'll be there a few feet away."

"Thank you, Devka." Cora smiled.

This was it, The moment she had thought about for days. Staring at her hands, she wondered if the flames will come up again when she meets the Prince or worse in front of the royal family. They would behead her for sure. She wondered if she would lose control again.

Balthamos told her she had much to learn. Cora was yet to understand the extent and the purpose of her powers. Squeezing her hands tight, she took up her skirt and walked through the door that was already opened for her.

Cora walked into the light to see the Prince standing next to a Purple carriage. Prince Zachary was dressed in dark pants and a white tunic designed with purple embroidery. They sowed pieces of violet silk to some parts of the tunic. His crown sat gloriously on his head.

Prince Zachary froze at the sight of her, but seeing him alive and well after all these times brought tears to her eyes. Cora ran to him, throwing her body towards his the second he was within range.

"I thought you would never return," Prince cried as he gripped her.

"We're a team, Zach. I would never leave everything to you." Cora told him.

"You look incredible," He told her much later, still holding her. "Like the gods created you to wear these."

Turk came around the carriage coughing loudly intentionally. As to his intentions, they released each other from the embrace. The Prince Helped Cora into the Carriage while turk rode on his horse beside them.

Cora sat with her heart hammering in her chest. She wondered when the Prince would ask her what happened. She had not decided what to tell him yet.

Thankfully, they sat side-by-side instead of opposite each other so the Prince could 't see how worried she really was. Cora detracted herself by watching the gardens and smaller castles as they went by. Each castle she knew belonged to a Noble house and they all make up the Palace. before long they were outside the Palace gates and into the city roads.

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