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Thank you for your comments on the first chapter that I published special thanks to
Symon_Zee and icy-icy-baby for your comments and suggestions...I hear you guys  😃😃😃.

Mek's POV

"Fon....... " I heard Boss called out while he was sleeping , I felt like someone clenched my heart, I couldn't breathe.

"No...Mek....No" Boss called out again as he reached out with both hands to something invisible and then....

Thud! ....I ran to him as he landed on the floor pinning his right arm with his body.

He woke up startled, wincing at the pain in his arm as I hug him to help him stand and sit him back on the sofa.

He looked around, looking lost but when he saw me, he hugged me so tight I couldn't breathe. His body trembling in my arms.

"Hey...hey ... It's ok, I'm here....I'm here", I rubbed his back and kissing him on his cheek.

We stayed in that embrace for who knows how long... until I felt that Boss, my wife had calmed down and stopped trembling.

I slowly broke away from our embrace and held both his cheeks in my hands . His eyes drenched in tears... I smiled at him and kiss his lips and wiped his tears with my thumbs.

"Are you ok now?...It must have been a bad dream..." I asked him, still holding his face, rubbing my nose to his.

He hugged me again and said...

" was" he replied nuzzling at my neck.

"Mek....never leave me please....I can't" he sobbed.

"Why would I do that, I have waited so long for this.... I will never leave you" I whispered in his ears.

"Your stuck with me...hmmm" I added with a chuckle.

I helped him to stand up and ushered him to my small dining table. I sat him on one of my two chairs and I sat across him. He suddenly got up and ran to the bathroom..

When he came back from the bathroom, he looked refreshed, seemed he took a quick shower as he was still drying his hair with my towel when he sat back to his chair.

We started eating in silence, but I constantly fed him as he seemed to still lost in his thoughts, but gave me a sweet smile whenever I feed him.

After I cleared the table and washed the dishes, I got him off the sofa and took him in my bedroom to sleep.

We laid on the bed with my arm under his neck caressing his hair as he leaned on my chest, with his hand on my waist hugging me closer. I heard him let out a soft sigh...

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

He just shook his head no,  without looking at me.


I woke up and it was still dark, I look at the alarm clock on top of the side table, with it's luminous digital says five in the morning.

Boss was still sleeping. Although it's still a bit dark, but after I adjusted my eyes to the dusky surrounding, I can make out his features, his white soft skin, long lashes, pointy nose and his soft pink lips. I can't help but touch his face and kiss his forehead lightly as not to wake my sleeping beauty.

I gingerly pulled my arm from under his neck and paused like an action figure ready to pounce when he stirred from his sleep, but he did not wake up. I let out my breath that I was unconciously holding.

I climbed out of the bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After that, I started preparing our breakfast. Just ham and egg and I will make the toast later when he wakes up.

While waiting, I sat on the sofa, thinking about what happened last night, Boss is not easy to get scared, if he was he would normally masked it with his corny jokes that nobody gets, except me.

What made him a mess like that last night, I wondered.  I know I can't push him to tell me otherwise I will fall victim to one of his jokes again.  I better wait for him to open up.  I'm sure he will eventually.

For now, I am suddenly excited on what we can do to pass the time while waiting for school to start.   We have two whole weeks together and I will make sure that it will be unforgettable.

Oh, I suddenly remembered...I did have a list on what I want to do and how we will spend time together if he becomes mine. 

Creepy but, I had the habbit of jotting down things "TO DO WITH BOSS" since I fell in love with him 3 years ago.  I would add things to the list as time goes by.  It was my sanctuary, my stress reliever whenever I feel I want to give up on the wait.

It had gotten to be a long list but I had done some of it without him realizing it, so I think I still have time to shrink it down to the top most 10.

At last, I, we can make it into a reality....😍😍😍


That's it for now lovies, again please drop some comments. And enjoy reading.

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