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Mek's POV

Two years had past since the fainting incident of my mom when I introduced Boss to her, I recalled ...

~~~~~~Flash Back 2 years ago------

"Oh my God Mom" I shouted as I tried to catch her before she hits the floor.  My sister ran towards us almost tripping from our doorway.

"Hey Sis, go get some water" I asked my sister as I was trying to shake my mother and Boss was fanning her with a cardboard (I don't know where he grabbed it from but he is really resourceful when adrenaline kicks in).  I lifted my mother up and brought her inside the house.  I laid her gently on the sofa and Boss continued fanning her.

When my mother started to come to, she looked at me and Boss and started to cry.

"Mom...I'm so sorry, but I didn't mean to shock you like that, I thought Pan gave you a hint"   I told her trying to console her.

"You know how good she was in making up stories, we didn't take it to heart..."  my mother said glaring at my sister as she recieved the glass of water that the latter handed to her. My sister roll her eyes and snickered.

"But I'm ok...I know...I had suspected you for a long time that's why, I'm always trying to set you up with every pretty girl that I would known,  I'm just afraid that you'd be alone and with no one to be with when you are old." She wiped her teary eyes and smiled at Boss.

"But now that I know...that you have someone, who am I to deny you your happiness" She hugged me tight and kiss my forehead.

"So, your Boss, your gay too?" She asked nonchalantly while she clinged to his arms and pulled Boss towards the kitchen.

"Mom!" Me and my sister shouted at the same time.

~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~

I chuckled at the memory and now, both me and Boss have graduated and with stable jobs and oh yeah we recently move in together.  We just had our own apartment two weeks ago and I am the happiest person alive.  Even though we've been boyfriends for two years,  we never lived together to fulfill our promise to his parents.

It was really nice to wake up with the person you love and to sleep and cuddle with him every night.

I pulled out the black.engineering book that I possesed since freshman year and opened it on the page that was titled The List and saw the events that I had crossed out over the years.

engineering book that I possesed since freshman year and opened it on the page that was titled The List and saw the events that I had crossed out over the years

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Only two items left..

"Hey Mek.....Mek....man your zoning out again"  Tee shook my shoulder and shouted on my face.

"Uhm..uh....what ?" I replied as I came back to reality.

"You're reviewing your LIST ....again....almost done buddy?" Tee took a peek at the book I was holding and gave me a teasing smile.

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