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Third POV

The next day Mek and Boss woke up early and decided to jog around the beach to get some fresh air and experience the great morning breeze. The weather was cold despite the sun's rising early,  the warmth was just right.  They saw some of the guest doing the same thing, some are already out at sea waiting for the waves that they could ride.  It was a great sight.

After jogging, they went to their suite to shower and have breakfast with Boss' mom.

"The photo shoot will start  in an hour, I need you to guide them to the spots  here on the list"  his mother gave him the list of great spots for the photo shoot.

"Mom.....can't anyone do this for them, I'm on vacation, I want to bring Mek to go swimming  " Boss complained.

"No one is available, we have a lot of guest to take care of....besides Mek will love this spots as well,  you guys can also enjoy yourself while guiding them." Boss dropped his forehead on the table in protest.

It's not because he doesn't want to, it's just he was trying to avoid a certain person.

He did not have any choice but to do the task, besides those are really great spots and Mek will love it.

They met up with the production crew and guide them to the spots, everytine it was Fon's turn for the shot, Boss would pull Mek to the water and go swimming or play by the water.

They enjoyed it until the last spot where the shot was with the bonfire blazing.

The last spot was where they were last night by the big rock a few feet from the hotel.  The crew had to wait until it was dark.  While they were waiting, the crew and the artist took a break and food was served and music was blaring.   They made an impromptu party while waiting for the sun to set.

Mek and Boss was forced to join them as a form of thanks for being a good host and guide,  the crew talked,  joked and danced with them, they were actually enjoying the company and Boss had forgotten his fears.

Until....he saw Fon pulled Mek aside by the beach.  He just stood there like nailed to a post.  They were talking and talking like good old friends and they would sometimes glance to where he is as if they were talking about him.  Fon held on to Mek's arm and shook it a little as if trying to convince the latter about something, Mek just nod and smiled.

Boss could not take it anymore, he walked towards the two with his fist gripped into a ball.

As he made his approach, he overheared Fon say...

"You can just tell him for me" as she walked away from Mek but not before she looked at Boss and waved goodbye.

"Mek, what's going on" Boss asked with a hint of anger and panic.

"Come, walk with me," by that Mek walk towards Boss and put his arms on his shoulder and tugged him lightly to walk with him along the beach. Boss shoved his hands in his short's pocket.

"Fon was really confused and worried about what happened during dinner, she was hurt actually,  she was asking me why...I told her I don't know...wanna tell me why?" but Boss stayed silent, just looking at their feet while they walk.

"Ok, so she was really hurt when you rejected  to reconcile with her because of me, but she realized now and she 's happy for you, for us and she promised that she won't be getting in our way and she wishes to be friends with you, with us, if that's ok with you" no reply still from the guy beside him.

"P'Aof and her are getting closer and just last night he confessed to her and she thinks she will give it a try" Mek emphasizing on the last few words.

Boss stopped and turned to look at the setting sun.

"Do you know why I was like that last night?" he asked without looking at Mek.

Mek looked at him one brow raised asking why.

"It was like in my dream" Mek remembered the dream which made the other shake and cried so hard.

Boss told him about his dream, still vivid in his mind and he started to looked panicked and tears running to his cheeks.

"So when I saw her being comfortable with my mom and she was glancing at us like she was teasing me or daring me.. I panicked and tried to get out  of there and avoid her..if that dream comes true and create havoc in our relationship and with my  family, I will never forgive her or myself." he cried and Mek pulled him to his body and hugged him tight.  He rested his head on the crook of Mek's neck as the latter rubbed his back and caress his cheeks, wiping his tears with his thumb.

"  that was just a dream, sometimes it is the opposite of what would happen in reality. Ok...wer'e going to be fine...that dream will not become our reality ok.  And whatever happens, I'm not gonna leave you.  I will always be by your side." Boss nodded with his head still on Mek's neck. They stayed like that for quite a while until the other calmed down and stopped sobbing.

"Hey, they're starting the "bonfire scene." Do you want us to join them or do you want us to go back to our suite?" Mek asked  the baby on his shoulder.

"Let's go back, I'm hungry and tired"

They went back to the hotel, had dinner at the hotel restaurant and went up to their room.

They had shower, and changed in their pyjamas.  Boss turned the lights out leaving the two lamps on each side of the bed to illuminate the room.  They laid on their back, but Mek slipped his arms under Boss' head and pulled him closer and the latter laid on his side and rested his hands on Mek's chest.

They decided to watch tv first.

"So....are you gonna tell your mom about us?....It's ok if you wanna wait" Mek whispered to Boss, while he played with the latter's hair.


Shortly, Mek heared Boss snoring softly, he turned off the tv and the light  by his bedside. And wrapped his other arms around the waist of the sleeping boy beside him.

"I love you Hon, forever" he whispered as he lovingly  kiss Boss' forehead.

Before he drifted of to sleep he made a mental check.on his "List..."

Cuddle everynight #2 on his list.....check✔✍🏻️

"Sweet dreams, my love" and he closed his eyes and drift away to sleep.

That's all for now my LOVIES.

BTW have you guys seen the new ost MV of my engineer season 2.  It was soooo good.  And I love how handsome my Boss is with his new hair cut. And I guess they are really replacing Mek's actor, they did not show his face or whoever will be playing Mek, on the video, obviously it is gonna be a surprise, but I'm still hoping and praying  that it will still be Raff you know.  Anyone can hope right.

Enjoy this update. Thank you.

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