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Third POV

Boss woke up by the sound of his phone ringing. He reached to the side table by the bed for his phone but his arms felt heavy, Mek was still hugging him and still sound asleep. He gingerly lifted Mek's arms off his own arms so he could freely reach his phone without waking Mek.

Pressing the side button on his phone shows that it was his mother calling and it was already nine in the morning.

"Hi Mom" he answered.

Are you still at your dorm? I thought you will be back here yesterday?】his mom asked which he completely forgot that he promised his parents that he will be spending his break at home.

"Aww, mom I'm sorry, Mek and I had to go somewhere yesterday...sorry, but I will be there tonight." he promised and prayed that his mom will not get too upset.

Ok dear, just make sure to be here tonight and bring Mek along with you if he's free.】

"Sure mom, he will be delighted." he answered but mentally hoping that Mek wouldn't mind that he decided for him

As he finished talking to.his mother, he glanced at Mek, still sleeping, he laid down beside him again, facing the latter.

He stared at the sleeping handsomeness in front of him, thinking back, regreting that he did not caught on sooner. If he did had the courage to acknowledge his feelings towards his bestfriend and had not been oblivious at the extra care and attention he had recieved from him before, they would have enjoyed being a couple sooner and prevented all the heartaches and suffering he had caused this angel infront of him.

Too deep in his thoughts he did notice that Mek had woken up and was staring back at him, enjoying the moment.

"Good morning" said the handsome guy in front of him as he kissed his nose pulling Boss back from his thoughts.

He jerked back a little startled.

"Oho...does my breath stinks?" Mek said teasingly.

"Oh, no it smells nice, I was just surprised that you are already awake." as he brought his face near and gave him a kiss on his nose as well.

"I heard someone called?"

"It was mom, she was asking when I'm coming home....I was supposed to leave for home yesterday but I completely forgot hehehe" he chuckled thinking why he forgot.

"So are you going" Mek asked

"Yeah....would you like to come with me?"

"I would be delighted" Mek answered smiling teasingly.

"Oh, so you heard...sorry if I decided for you"

"It's ok...I'm happy that you know me well"

"What time are we leaving? "

" Maybe after breakfast, I need to go back to my dorm to get changed and bring some stuffs with me" -Boss

Mek got up to make breakfast and Boss fixed the bed.

They ate breakfast together, talking about Tee and Phu and what they did for them, laughing about how they looked funny trying to keep a straight face while they were doing what they did.

"Honestly, I just asked Tee to fixed up the rooftop for our dinner and asked him to order from the restaurant down the street for the steak, and I will be serving you.....but he went all the way and dragged Phu with him, I did not know Phu can play the violin so well."

"That was really sweet of him." said Boss

"Do you know that I was jealous of Tee for sometime, specially during the charity event preparation?" Boss added while eating his egg with toast.

"Why?" asked Mek surprised.

"He was always, talking to you in whispers and always had his hands or arms on your shoulder." Boss pouted.

"It was because he was consoling me when I was trying so hard to hide how I feel about you and he was the only one who knows it"

"Why did you tell him but not to me" Boss still pouting.

"I did not, he just caught me one day when he came here and accidentally saw... you collection"

"He was convincing me tell you how I feel, but I was too afraid that you will not accept me and I will loose you. I'd rather suffer in silence than loose you completely."

"I'm so sorry Hon, I have caused you so much pain" Boss reached and held Mek's hand accross the table.

"It's ok's worth it, you're worth it."

After breakfast Mek took a shower and Boss packed Mek's stuff that he will bring to their trip. He did so, so that all Mek had to do was to dress up and come with him to his dorm where he will take a bath and dress up and take some stuff with them and they will go together in his car.

When Mek noticed that he was all packed for the trip, he gave Boss a wide smile and kissed him on the forehead.

He cannot contain his happiness with the thoughtfulness that Boss was showing him.

"You're driving back to your home?" asked Mek when they were on the way to Boss' dorm.


"It's a 4 hour drive, you will be so tired, that's a long drive." said Mek in a worried tone.

"Taking the bus is not comfortable, I want you to be comfortable and enjoy the scenery..."

"Oh, I'm definetly gonna enjoy the scenery", Mek looking at Boss teasingly smiling.

After Boss was,all set, they drove off to their destination.

Halfway to their destination, Boss' phone rang again. He asked Mek to answer.

"Hello Auntie, how are you, this is Mek, Boss is driving Auntie can I take a message?"

"Ok Auntie, I will tell him, see you soon,"

"Your mom said, we need to go straight to your resort, that's where we are staying, she said she needs help tomorrow. There will be a photo shoot for a commercial tomorrow and she needs help to take care of the guest"

"Oh, that's even better, you can enjoy the beach, you love beaches right?" Boss excitedly say.

We can sleep under the stars... Mek thought to himself....Wait...that was number 5 on my list....oh well, I'll make it number 2 then. Mek thinking and smilling to himself.



That's it for now lovies, this chapter did not have much but just clearing the air to make sure no more clouds above their heads.

Like and share. Enjoy and keep safe 😎😎😎

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