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Sorry for not updating for quite sometime. I just experienced a block or something that I can't find the right direction on where this was going. I might put and end to this in the next chapter. I'm really sorry.


Mek's POV

I really got so nervous when Boss asked his Mom for a private talk. I was thinking this is it, this might be the end of us.

I tried helping out in the kitchen...I was cutting some vegestables when I felt a nip on my index finger. Shia....there's blood..
I hurriedly run to the sink and run the water on my nipped finger, Day gasped at so much blood in the sink. She ran out of the kitchen hurriedly, she must be afraid seeing blood, I thought to myself. I was drying my hands with a paper towel, putting pressure on my injured finger to stop the bleeding but it still do.

A few minutes later I saw Day running back with a first aid kit box in her grasp. She came to me and started pressing a cotton ball with alcohol on my wound which earned a loud hiss from me.

"Don't be such a baby" she glared at me and continued pressing the cotton ball onto my finger until the bleeding stopped a bit. She took a band aid and wrapped my wound.

I felt so drained but I thank her for the help.
"You should not be handling knife if your mind is pre occupied, next time you might cut the whole finger instead of nipping it." she reprimanded me.

"You better just sit here, we are almost done." she pulled me to sit on one the dinning chairs and left me to help out her mother to prepare the table.

It felt like an eternity, just sitting here alone and waiting. And then I heard Boss' voice coming from the door of the dining room.

"Mom....what are you gonna do with Mek?"

Aww shit aww shit...what should I do....

I just sat there waiting for something to drop on my head.

Something did dropped on my head. I felt a hand settled on top of my head and I closed my eyes...shut my eyes tight, waiting for the onslaught.

"Mek" I heard Auntie's voice near my ear.

"Open your eyes and let's talk." I slowly opened my eyes and I saw blurry images of two people in front of me. I squinted and adjusted my vision. Boss and his Mom are seated right across me, I felt like I was in an interogation room minus the the bright spot light. A god cop and bad cop right in front of me.

"I know all about the two of you." she started in a stern voice.

"And it seems that I can't do much about it at this point...I will not break you up, but promise me that you are going to take care of my baby....and NO SEX, before marriage....Am I making my self clear? "Her eyes were fiery and tone was stern. I nodded dumbfounded with what she said in the end.

"And oh I almost forget....NO LIVING TOGETHER....understand?" I nodded again like a bubble head toy.

"Ok...welcome to the family, you can call me Mom" she added but with the sweetest smile I've ever seen from her but for some reason I feel more scared with all of this.

"Y...yes Auntie..I mean Mom" I replied, still petrified.

I unconciously scratched my head when she stood up to go to the kitchen to check on lunch.

Boss saw my finger and he went to my side and took my hand worried.

"What happened?"

"I had a fight with a knife and the knife won" I joked trying to calm my nerves.

"Don't worry it's ok, we're ok.. I know you were worried...but we're ok now" Boss assured me while side hugging me and drawing circles on my back.

"Let's eat" Mom announced as she placed a steaming soup in front of us followed by Day and her Mom with the rest of the food. We got startled and we sort of jolted away from each other animatedly.

We ate in silence, with Boss on my left side and Day right across me. She sometimes throw dagger looks at me and then she will smile at me sweetly, right after. I'm really getting the feeling that women in this family are somehow bipolars, I tried to gulp down my food as fast as I can, forgeting to chew with my head bowed down...I'm feeling an upset stomach coming soon.

With lunch over, Boss decided that we should go for a walk, which I agreed instantly to avoid the growing anxiety creeping inside me.

We went to an open court right beside the park near their house. We sat down on one of the benches and I heaved a sigh. With his hand on my shoulder kneeding it into a massage, he felt my tensed neck and back and continued massaging until I relaxed, no one was speaking still.

"I'm so sorry for the tension filled lunch earlier." Boss started to break the silence between us.

" I know it was all my fault , if I had controlled my actions and not gave into jealousy, I could have planned on a better way to let my family know all about us." Boss heaved a much deeper sigh.

"I guess everything happened for a reason, and at least we survived right?" I consoled him.

"But didn't you hear what my mom said?....No Sex and we can't live together, I can't even sleepover to your dorm, let alone you to is that gonna work?"

"Oh you're worried about that? I thought you are still not ready to do it?" I asked him teasingly.

"Well of course I'm not yet ready, yet, but you know eventually.....why ? don't you want "that" ?....." he trailed of but I cut him off...

"Of course I do, ... but I can wait, I waited for "this"" for three years, what is another year or two." I told him while I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and caress his hair.

"Are you sure? You're not gonna get bored?" he asked again with a worried undertone?

"When have I get bored with you?""Besides it's an advantage on your part...." I smiled to him teasingly.

"What do you mean?" he asked me with a confused look.

"Well you have all the time in the world to be ready, because on our wedding night, ready or not I will have you..." I whispered the last part to his ear, he tapped on my forehead when I gave him my most evil smile.

I looked around to see if there was anyone around and I pecked on his lips which earned a blushing Boss....the cutest thing.I've ever seen. The sight in front of me erased all my anxiety and fear of the bipolar family that I have joined. I pulled him into a tight hug and kissed his hair.

We spent our time there with my arm on his shoulder and my other hand holding his on my lap. We talked and laughed about how things turned out.

Tomorrow we will head back to our University and will face a new chapter of our study and our life together. One can only hope for the best and expect the worst. I'm not worried as long as we stay like this together and face each challenge with his hand in mine.


That's all for now my LOVIES.

Hope you like it...

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Thank you and stay safe always 😘😘😘😘

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