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Mek's POV

I went to my closet and opened the door to what used to be my shrine for my Love.

After my confession and his first sleepover when we became a couple, I decided to take out all of those mementos of my Love that I had collected over the years, things that he had discarded but found a place in my shrine, and place it a box.

I reached into the box and searched until I found what I was looking for, the small blue book that has the thousand signatures. This book was the silent witness of the start of my feelings towards my Boss. We were partners completing those thousand signature.

The meek and the gutsy one in partnership braving all those ridiculous things that the seniors ask us to do in exchange of their signatures.

That was when one of the seniors, the head hazer actually, gave us the nicknames, "Mute husband and Annoying wife."

And this book was also the witness of my plans for the future ahead.

I can't help but smile to myself as I searched for the page where I started my list.

"Confession... done that.."
"First kiss... done that..."
"First date....hmmm that should be my next move."
I was murmuring to myself as I crossed out and re do my list when I heard the bathroom opened and closed again.
Oh no, did he see me ?....I did not notice him getting out of the bedroom, guess I was too engrossed my list.

I stood up and went to the kitchen to prepare the toast. Once done, I set up the table and waited for my Boss to emerge from the bathroom.

As I was pouring the orange juice to our glasses, I was startled when he hugged me from the back and kiss my cheek...

"Good morning" he whispered in my ears, which send goosebumps all over my body.

"You were up early, why didnt you wake me up...I could have prepared breakfast for you" he added still hugging me from behind.

"It's ok, I got it covered." thinking what might become of my kitchen if I let him cook breakfast, remembering how King's kitchen exploded when he tried cooking for the gang, gave me a reminder to never let him touch any of my cooking stuffs.

"You were sleeping like a baby, who would have the heart to wake you....besides you need the rest you can get.." I said as I turn to face him and kiss him on his lips.

"Let's eat."

We ate and talk about random things, mostly what happened during our time in the mountain. He was back in his old chatty self again, without any trace of the wrecked he was last night.

This is my chance to start on my list.

"Umm.... Hon do you have any plans today", I asked while clearing out the table and handing him the dishes which he insisted to wash.

"Hon?....Is that what you're calling me now?" tilting his head with a side glance and his brows lifted.

"Yeah, don't you like it?"

"Hmmm" he replied.

"So, would you like to go out on a date with me?" I asked, bobbing my brows to him.

"I'd like that, but I need to go back to my dorm to change."

"Say, I'll come back around three o'clock?"
he said as he finished washing the dishes and putting away in my cupboard. How domesticated ey.

I agreed, that will also give me time to prepare for our date.

After we finished, we lounge about on the sofa just hugging each other, cuddling, whispering sweet nothings. Then he stretched out and told me that he has to go.

"Five more minutes please..." I requested as I don't want the cuddling to end, but he reminded me of our date later so I gave in and let him go.

"I'll see you later.......Hon" he said with a wink as he went out of the door.

I can't help but smile from ear to ear hearing him call me that. I felt my heart bursting in happiness. Three years of waiting was totally worth it. I can't ask for more than this. I am a happy man.

But to make our first date unforgettable, I would need some help.

"Hello Tee...I need your help....."


That's all for now, I'm sorry if it was a bit short...I'm a bit busy preparing for their first date 😜😜😜😎😎😎.

I will update soon. Enjoy reading my lovies.

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