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Third POV

The trip to the waterfall had made their relationship stronger, maybe because of Mek's proposal which gave each of their hearts direction moving forward to their relationship or the experienced intimacy that Boss discovered could be an alternative to the painful one that he most feared. (It seems that Boss had accepted that he will be the bottom no matter what... oh well. 😉).

They had spent all their days enjoying the beach and all of Boss' secret hideaways .  After a week of occupying the honeymoon suite, they finally was able to transfer to Boss' actual home.  There they still sleep together in Boss' bedroom  and spent the remaining days visiting the neighborhood, introducing Mek to Boss' childhood friends, hanging out and just having fun.

Two days before going back to school, Boss laid sleepless and in deep thoughts.

"'re not sleeping yet?" asked Mek who woke up thirsty.

"What are you thinking?" he asked the boy beside him, the latter's hands tucked under his head and looking at the ceiling.

Boss did not  respond but heaved a deep sigh.  Mek decided to get  up and pour himself a glass of  water from the pithcher on the side table and drank his  thirst away. And brought another one for Boss.  He handed him the drink and the latter accepted, changing to a sitting position with his back leaning againts the headboard and drank the water.  Mek did the same sliding his arms under Boss' neck pulling him closer to lean his head on his shoulder.

"What's bothering you, you can tell me, maybe I could help." Mek asked again while brushing his fingers through his beloved's soft black hair.

"We're going back to Bangkok in two day's and I have not told my mother about us yet." Boss sighed again.

"If you are not ready, you still have a lot of chances to do that before we graduate. I don't want you to be pressured about this, I'm contented knowing that you are mine." Mek try to console Boss, he knows that he is becoming anxious about the whole thing.

With Mek, he has his elder sister that understands him and had known his struggle in secretly loving Boss for the past three years.  His family as conservative as they are,  maybe will be quite accepting based on his sister's assurance.   But still he would have to really face his father and mother in the future and introduce Boss to the family.

*(a/n I'm giving Mek an imagined family here but not in China, he is Thai in the story after all, I've done some research but did not find any information about Mek's famiy, so I'm making up one)

"Hey get some sleep, it's already late, it's 30 minutes after midnight,  you have an errand to do for your mom in the morning right?" Mek urged Boss, helping him to slide down to lay on the bed still with his arms under his head. 

"Sleep now Hon," he kissed Boss on his forehead and wrapped his other arms around the latters body, rubbing his back lulling him to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip to breakfast....
Third POV

Three persons of the household are happily having breakfast, there were funny stories told by the older lady, reminicing how naughty her baby was.  But then she noticed the dark circles under her baby's weary eyes.

"Baby, do you have a problem? It seemed that you're not having a good sleep lately, the dark circles under your eyes are getting  worst, come on,  tell mom your problem.." the older lady touching her baby's face, looking worried.

"I don't have a problem mom, I'm just a little anxious that I will be leaving you alone again soon."

"Ohhhh, my baby will miss me?, I will miss you too, but don't worry when your Dad comes back from his trip, we will visit you..ohhmm my baby is so cute." Boss' mom happily talking to him like he was still a baby, which was really so cute in Mek's eyes and he can't stop smilling with how Boss' mom is treating the latter.  But looking at Boss, it is making him more weary.

"Don't forget the documents that you are bringing  to our client's home to sign for their wedding reception at our resort. " his mom reminded him while pinching his cheeks.

"Owww mooom, that hurts, were  going now, come on Mek" Boss  replied rubbing his cheeks to ease the pain.

"Oh no, Mek you have to stay, N'Day is coming over with her mom and she wanted to see you when she gets here" Boss' mom interjected before the boy's could leave.

"N'Day is here?" Boss asked with wonder.

"You remember her, right Mek? ..  she studied in your Uni on her first year of college but she got a scholarship in UCLA and went abroad to study....she just got back yesterday for vacation and she misses  you and wants to see you. "  her mom explained but was excited for Mek.  Mek just stood on his spot not knowing what to say.

"She just wants to see Mek?" Boss asked confused and a bit jealous.

"Awww hush baby, you know your her favorite cousin but she got so excited when her mom told her that Mek is staying here.  Who knows maybe Mek can be an official part of the family" his mother said with a wink.

"What are you standing there for  go now, you might not make it and miss our clients, they are busy today, they need to sign the documents right away so we can proceed with the arrangements and reservations."  But Boss just stood there just staring at Mek.

"Hey  baby, go now so you can get back before lunch, don't worry about your best friend , I will not let  N'Day bite him" Boss' mom pushed him towards the door and giggled winking at Mek.  Mek can't do anything but scratch his head, feeling awkward.


"Aish, why is she back!" Boss thinking out loud while driving fast to their clients home.  He remembeted that N'Day was one of those freshman who flirted with Mek during their sophomore year, he even introduced his cousin to Mek with the latter's insistent.
"But Mek rejected her right, and we're engaged now right?  So Mek will still reject her again..."
"Huh why am I worried,  I should not be worried, I trust my Mek, he will not be swayed just like that...."

"I better hurry."

He reached his destination in 20 minutes, waited for their client to read and sign the documents for another 20 minutes and he took off as soon as the docunents were signed,  but not before thanking and congratulating the soon to be weded couple.

He arrived back after an hour and found Mek and Day sitting side by side in the living room talking cheerfully, Day holding Mek's hands playfully as they laugh at something that they were talking about.  They didn't even noticed him when he entered the door.  Both seemed too engrosed with their chat and Day even leaned closer to Mek's ear to whisper something....

"Too close....too close... I trust Mek....I trust Mek...." Boss chanted to himself...he just stood there like a statue, watching the other two.

But when Day held Mek's hand and look at his ring closely....Boss can't hold it  anymore...

"Mek!" Boss exclaimed and with hurried steps he seemed to have teleported to where the two are sitting and grabbed Mek's hand from Day's hold.

"Don't touch him, he's mine" he blurted out, and the two got startled with his action.

"Oh P'Boss,....what?....What do you mean.?.."  Day asked confused.

"Boss calm down...were not doing anything..." Mek abruptly stood up and hold on to Boss' shoulder and arm to calm the other down.

"What do you mean, he's yours....ooohhh are you guys? ...... Ohhooo......"  Day shocked and covered her mouth with her hands...

Day leaned forwatd to the two boys and whispered.....

" G......does Auntie knows?"


That's all for now my Lovies
It's a bit ofa drag I know but wait for the next chapters for some explosive events. (spoiler 🤪🤪🤪)

Hope you still enjoyed this chapter.

Lilke and share.. Thank you.

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