“Liv, are you doing anything this evening?” There was a pause while she hummed, thinking.

“No, why?”

“You’ll find out. Just meet me outside the school tonight. 7 o’clock.”


“No ‘but’s Liv.” I know I wind her up when I call her ‘Liv’ but I think she was beginning to get used to it. Besides, what’s the worse that innocent, kind soul could do to me?

I pulled up in my Peugeot 206 and saw her elegant figure waiting patiently. My car lights were the only thing from keeping the mysterious, darkness away. When they shone on the back of her long legs, she spun around; her blue eyes met mine.

“Get in,” I called out from the now wound-down window. I leaned across the passenger seat to open the door for her. She strapped herself in and we began on our way.

“I have to be home by 10 so that gives us…2 hours and 59 minutes. Now, are you going to tell me where we’re going? Or are you going to be your ignorant self and keep it a secret?”

“I’m going to be my ignorant self and keep it a secret.” I mocked. The journey was short; we arrived in no time at all. I parked the car on the side of the pavement and announced, “Here we are!” we both stepped outside and took in the breath-taking view which was gloomy, but alluring.

“The beach! Wow, it’s stunning at night, isn’t it?” I agreed with her. “I love the beach so much! Come on!” she clasped my wrist with a strong hold and started to run, dragging me with her. We settled down on the blanket I brought with me. I could just about feel the mere grains of sand beneath us. I could hear a few sea gulls in the distance, along with the waves swishing peacefully. They were quite a way away. It smelt salty but that didn’t bother me. The moonlight was dusky. The atmosphere was still; there was not even a breath of wind. Everything seemed so motionless. Olivia and I were completely and entirely alone; nobody else was in sight.

Considering we were ‘just friends’, a slight awkward tension filled my bones. I wanted to be more than ‘just friends’. We got to know each other better that night. Talking and talking until we ran out of time, sharing a few laughs but shedding a few tears.

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