Part 1

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What would happen if one day your family wasn't your family anymore? What if you were abandoned with nothing except the clothes on your back and a broken heart? What if you were put onto the streets and suddenly need to fend for yourself? Well, I know what happens after that 'what if'. I was five years old when my family decided they didn't need me anymore. I always knew my parents didn't love me, I could feel it. They always favored my sister more than me and my brother was paid fully into Harvard with an allowance while they didn't give me money for lunch. Whenever I wanted something, they told me to stop being greedy, but when my sister would ask for something and make a whole fuss about it, being sassy and disrespectful, they would get it for her right away and then appologize for not having gotten it right away.

One day, I guess they finally realized that if they weren't going to love me and treat me as their child, they might as well stop caring for me altogether. They had someone drop me off at school on my first day and never bothered to pick me up, they never even said goodbye to me in the morning. Thinking back, I should have known something was up. I wasn't enrolled in the same school my sister was and that was weird because we were only one year apart. I was somewhat more mature than most people my age probably would have been. I went through many things a child should never have to go through. I watched my mom get beat by my dad and his new wife. Once she passed away, the privalledge of getting beat until one fell unconscious was given to me. The school I was dropped off at was also about two or three hours, at least that's what the drive felt like, away from our house. I wasn't the brightest kid but that definitely should have set off some alarm in my head. But, I was so desperate to think that they loved me, I didn't even give it a second thought.

The staff and teachers at the school didn't give it any mind when I walked out of the building, passed the buses, and started walking across the street without any adults with me. I didn't leave early though. The person who dropped me off had told me they'd be there when school got out and, for my class, we only had half of a day to be there. I waited until the older kids got out of school, almost five hours passed when they were supposed to have picked me up, and then I left. Even though my parents didn't exactly love me, they still put me into a prestigous school because they wouldn't want to tarnish their perfect reputation. I didn't have a uniform because my parents' plan was to only have me go there for a day so they didn't need to bother paying for a uniform for me. I was walking around all night and, at some point or another, I must have passed out. It was really cold out that night and it started raining about halfway through the night, from what I remember. I was awoken by someone picking me up and bringing me to an orphanage, the orphanage where I would spend the next ten years living, waiting for my parents to come back. Eventually, I put two and two together and came to the conclusion that it wasn't my fault they never came back or found me. Just because I had left the school instead of waiting for me. With everything put together, it became extremely obvious that their intent wasn't to see me again and celebrate my first day of school but rather to celebrate my sister's and their getting rid of me once and for all.

Some of this might seem super cleche but what happens next is anything but. I was making my bed one morning and I got word that we were allowed to go out, the older kids only obviously, on our own around the town for a bit as a reward because we had helped out about a week prior. I was so excited, more than I had ever been before. It's not like they didn't let us go outside or anything, I'd been to town very many times but always with a chaperone. It probably wasn't the smartest thing they could have done, to let a ton of teenage girls and boys go wherever they wanted to without someone making sure they were safe. But I'm happy they let us or it wouldn't have turned out the way it did for me and, right now, I couldn't be happier being able to tell this story. I had been preparing all morning for the outing, I didn't have many things to pack in my backpack so I had to find other random things to do. I think I spent about an hour trying to find an outfit that fit my mood. I ended up wearing black, cargo sweatpants and a black, tight fitting, cropped tank top under a sheer t-shirt. I had my hair down and natural which was nice because it felt better to be able to cover my face a bit but also kinda sucked because my hair was curly that day, I couldn't wash my hair again because I had the night before but it still got wet. I never wore any makeup, not because I preferred a natural look on my face but because I couldn't do makeup without looking like a clown and I would never remember to take it off or I would just be too lazy to and it'd end up making a mess and giving me achne.

We left at about noon and were told to be back by 9:00 P.M. so that we could eat out as well. They even gave us money for buying things. I think they felt bad for us. I had lots of friends there but some of them were just a year younger than me which meant they weren't able to leave with us. The others wanted to eat lunch first and I decided I wanted to go shopping since I didn't like what they were having and I had just eaten breakfast anyway. I wandered around for a bit, the weather was great, perfect for my outfit, and I enjoyed walking so I walked until I found something I liked. I stumbled upon some cafe connected to a bookstore. I stopped there first and got some coffee and a piece of cinnamon cake. I took it over to one of the tables in the area that connected the bookstore to the cafe where you could read and have food or drinks. I set my stuff there and went to go find a book. I was into romance books, the only kind of books I would read for that matter, so I picked out a book that was set in Greece. A young woman had gone for the summer and had met a restaurant owner while our for dinner one night. She played a role in front of him of a sohpisticated business woman because that's why he originally approached her. They continued to meet and she found herself lost in a lie with no way out other than to break his heart and be heartbroken herself. I decided to buy the book and sat down to read it while I was eating. Once I finished, I put my book inside of my backpack and started for the door. I was on my way out, but someone caught my eye. Well, some people. They were extremely attractive and, once I took a closer look, I saw that one of them had been reading my favorite book, "Girl Stolen". The other one was examining a photobook that was filled with pictures of the night sky, something I had also owned and enjoyed.


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