Part 3

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One of the waiters came around and I was finally able to get to the bathroom and leave the restaurant. I started roaming the streats again but I had absolutely no idea what I was looking for. I had been everywhere I planned on going. There was a lake next to the streat and forest next to that. Now, I wasn't stupid, I wasn't going to go into the woods alone, especially because, if anybody found out and told the staff, I'd be dead. Instead, I stood by the lake and just took in the scenery. Eventually, I realized I was just wasting time and I got a move on. I strolled down the streat with a feeling of euphoria. I decided, since there was no point in searching for a store that I didn't even know I wanted to go into, I would go somewhere I absolutely knew I wanted to be. FAO Swartz. I know I'm not a kid and it looked really weird when I walked into the store, but I love stuffed animals, they're so soft and huggable! I'm not a "furry" or a "little", not that I have anything against people who are, but they're so nice when you can't have the real thing. I walked in and immediately saw a sloth. Sloths were my favorite, and still are, so obviously I rushed straight to it. I picked one up and started examining it to see if it matches all of the criteria I had, I was very picky with what I had on my bed, if it wasn't perfect, it wasn't there. As I was chosing which one I wanted, I noticed the same guys! This time, I was going to say hello to them or something because I kept seeing them and of course my dumb brain thought it was some sort of fate. I put the sloth down and was about to go walk to them, but then they started walking towards me. I panicked because I couldn't tell if it was me they were coming over to but I didn't want to stop them if they were walking to something or someone else. I just stood there and picked the sloth back up and finished my examination.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the two men walking up on either side of me. I put the sloth down once again and brought my head up to face them.

"Hey. We noticed you in the bookstore, we think you're really beautiful, not to come on strong..." He chuckled. He was about three to five inches taller than me, somewhere in that range. Him and his friend were the same height. The guy who spoke was a brunette and the other had darker brown hair that looked almost black at the top and lighter at the bottom. Their eyes pierced into mine and it felt like I held their stares a little too long. The intensity I got from them was more than I had felt from even the head supervisor at the orphanage, but this kind was different. It was full of...desire.

"We were wondering if you wanted to...maybe...stick around with us for a bit, possibly hit a movie or something." The other one spoke up. I could tell they were shy. I blushed a little at the request. I started thinking that it couldn't hurt.

"Yeah, sure. Where should we go first?" I watched as a smile crept up both of their faces and warped into a smirk.

"I think we should get at least our names down first. I'm Jungkook. This is my friend Hyunjin." I blushed again but this time it was from ebarrassment. I stuck my hand out to shake Jungkook's and then Hyunjin's.

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Promise." I smiled at them.

"Can I call you Missey?" I laughed and gave an approving nod to Jungkook.

"Then let's be on our way." Hyunjin said as we all walked out of the store. At that point, I had completely forgotten about the sloth, the whole reason I went into the store in the first place. I wondered where they were taking me but it didn't seem dangerous. I was swooning for them but I still had enough common sense to realize that it wasn't a good idea to follow total strangers into the woods. I stopped in my tracks as soon as we got to the edge of the forest.

"I don't want to be a party pooper...this just doesn't feel safe, you know? Following a couple of people I just met into the woods without having a clue of where we are going and what we're going to do there?" They both looked so understandingwhen I said that. I was so sure they would bail and I felt very pressured to originally just follow them without saying a word, but they were really cool about it.

"Ah. No problem, I can see how that would be sketchy. Our appologies. Would it help if we told you where we were going? Or should we pick somewhere else to go?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh no, we don't need to find somewhere else to go, I just wanted to know where we are going." He nodded and then turned to Jungkook who seemed to have picked out the place.

"We are going to an oasis of sorts, if that makes any sense. There's a little lake-pond thing with the clearest water and it's deep so we can go swimming. Have you ever seen the ocean?" I shook my head "no".

"Well, it's the closest thing to the ocean other than the ocean itself. It's almost prettier, in my opinion. We plan to go swimming there. Do you need to buy a swimsuit or are you just going to swim in...your..." It was obvious that he was getting uncomfortable so I spared him the awkwardness.

"I don't need a swimsuit, I'll just take off my shirt and pants." I thought that was safe enough to say because all the shirt covered was, well, absolutely nothing and underneath it I had a cropped tank-top. My underwear was black and looked enough like a bathing suit bottom so I thought that was fine as well. However, when I said it, I thought they could have dropped right then and there. They were flushed bright red as if someone had painted tomato-red onto their faces.

"Let's keep going." Hyunjin barely managed to get words out. I laughed in my head in order not to further embarrass them and kept following them. It had slipped my mind that we were all supposed to be back to the orphanage at a certain time and the Sun was already setting by the time we were almost at our destination. It would be dark soon.

"Prepare to have your breath taken away once you open your eyes again." Jungkook said. Hyunjin held his hands over my eyes to act as a blindfold and we walked a little bit more. When we arrived, I heard them both gasp at the sight.

"Wow. It's even better when the sun is setting." I heard Jungkook say.

"Breathtaking." Hyunjin followed. I was eager to see it myself. Hyunjin lifted his hands from my face and I was speechless.


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