Part 4

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The water reflected the light of the Sun, orange, yellow, blue, pink, and red flooded the sky and the water's reflection. The water itself was a beautiful aquamarine color and was crystal clear. Everything was gorgeous. 

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"I know, right?" Hyunjin said in some sort of a "we're-so-cool-for-showing-you-this-place" kind of way

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"I know, right?" Hyunjin said in some sort of a "we're-so-cool-for-showing-you-this-place" kind of way. I stepped forward a bit and took a long look around before slipping off my shoes and reaching to take my shirt off.

"Woah! Hold on a second. Give us a warning at least!" Hyunjin said, gesturing to Jungkook as they both had terrified looks. I smiled at their concern.

"Okay, I'm taking my clothes off but it's not anything "scandalous"." I laughed and watched them both turn away. I grabbed the bottom hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head. I then grabbed the top of my pants and brought them down to my feet. I quickly ran over to the water and, when they heard the splashing, Hyunjin and Jungkook turned around and smiled at me with that look of "I'm-so-lucky" and they continued to admire me until I splashed Hyunjin, he was closest to the water. I could tell he was mad in a playful kind of way beceause I got his clothes wet.

"I'm gonna get you!" He said while taking his clothes off and racing into the water after me. I tried swimming away but he was faster than me by a lot. He called for Jungkook who was struggling on the shore to get his pants off and put on his bathing suit over his underwear. Hyunjin's arms were clasped around my waist and he was holding me so that my back was against his chest. One of his legs was wrapped around mine as a reinforcement to keep me.

"Jungkook! You're better than this, save me!" I could barely yell for him as I was laughing so hard along with Hyunjin. Jungkook rushed in to help and it became a tug of war between Hyunjin and Jungkook, me being caught in the middle. We were laughing so hard and screaming, especially me because their hands tickled my stomach and thighs. At last, it hit me. I was half naked with two complete strangers I had just met in the middle of nowhere and pressed against their also half naked bodies and the Sun had almost finished setting. It was starting to become dark and I was positive I was going to miss curfew which sucked because they don't do things like this a lot and I didn't want to give them another reason not to do this again. Plus, the staff were looking forward to us getting this opportunity and all I had done was put myself into danger and now I wasn't going to be home on time.

"Missey, are you alright?" Jungkook asked me, holding me upright, sitting on his knee. They both looked worried. I didn't want to make it awkward by saying I was from the orphanage. It would be weird after that and I didn't want to have to explain everything. Plus, if I told them how they were complete strangers, it would be weird. We'd gotten along so well already and if I said something, it would be much more distant. I know now that it ws very poor judgement but, at the time, my conscience was clouded with the new friendship.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I just have to start heading home. I'm sorry, I had a really good time with you guys, but I don't know if we will be able to hang out again after this." I felt guilty. Their faces immediately changed, dimmed from their bright smiles they had worn just a minute ago.

"Okay. We can take you home. Where is that for you?" Jungkook said. I tried to think of a way out of it. There weren't really any neighborhoods by the orphanage, nor was there a hotel that I could say I was staying in. I didn't know what to say so I just stayed silent.

"Promise? We can't take you home unless you tell us where that is." Hyunjin chuckled a little at his comment. I looked at them both with a distressed look on my face. I knew they couldn't tell what I meant by it, but it was enough for them to realise that the situation had grown uncomfortable for me.

"We can just take you back to our car and just drive until you tell us to stop..?" Hyunjin seemed unsure of what he said. It did sound a little weird. In retrospect, it was not an offer I should have taken at all. The whole ordeal ended amazignly but it also could have very easily ended with me dead in a ditch somewhere.

"Don't be crazy, Hyunjin. That sounds like we are going to kidnap her or something. What do you think we should do, Missey?" Jungkook asked. I was staring off in thought for a while until I had finally decided.

"I guess what Hyunjin said works for me. Just don't murder me, please." They laughed and nodded their heads.

"Do we need to leave now? Or do you have time to swim a little longer?" I thought about it for a second. If I was already going to be late, why not at least make it count, right?

"We have time. I could probably be out the whole night, I mean I'm already late aren't I? What's the harm in being a little more late?" They both gave me a disapproving look, the kind your parents would give you if you wore a skanky outfit out.

"Are you sure it's okay? If it were me, I'd want you home sooner rather than later. There's no point in creating irreversible damage." I was upset by what Jungkook said.

"Is this a subtle way of telling me you guys don't wanna hang out anymore?" I didn't want to sound like one of those high maintinence girlfriends who needed to be around their boyfriends 24/7 or they'd combust.

"No, no, no! We just want to make sure you understand your choice." Hyunjin reassured me. Jungkook nodded in agreement. I smiled knowing that they weren't just trying to get rid of me.

"Okay. Then, in that case, do you have any drinks or anything? I saw you guys had a bag from some liquor store." Their eyes bugged out at me. I laughed a little, they're such moms.

"You are nowhere near the legal drinking age, Missey. No pun intended." Jungkook shook his finger in front of my face.


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