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view edenbro's story...

view edenbro's story

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Liked by jackaverymusic, edenbro and 17,993 more

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Liked by jackaverymusic, edenbro and 17,993 more

charlimoore: Eden hired a makeup artist: not my idea. But thank you :)
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tatedoll: my gf looks gorgeous as FUCK
charlimoore: thank you mi novia love you! 🥰

seaveydaniel: CHARLI?!? 😳
charlimoore: D A N I ?!!☺️

corbynbesson: simp 👉👈
charlimoore: only for you 😙
hater6: whore he was a gf!

jackaverymusic: my..god. 🤩
charlimoore: im a simp for you 🥺
jackaverymusic: yeah you are :))

charliiscute: wish I could look like you :(
charlimoore: please don't wish that! You look very beautiful: be your own person. Love you! 🥰❤️

Liked by imzachherron, beautychickee and 14,899 more

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Liked by imzachherron, beautychickee and 14,899 more

edenbro: I'm ready prom
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charlimoore: I'm in front of you but SIS YOU BOMB ASF
edenbro: don't gotta tell me twice ;)

imzachherron: whoa
edenbro: thank you :))

beautychickee: WHORE 😍
edenbro: SLUT 🤩

jonahmarais: very gorgeous Eden
edenbro: thank you Jonah!

username1: you and Charli look very pretty!
edenbro: Thank you! I'll tell her :))

username1: you and Charli look very pretty!↳ edenbro: Thank you! I'll tell her :))

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Liked by tatedoll, jonahmarais and 14,990 more

edenbro: 🖤
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charlimoore: IM DROOLING
edenbro: ew
charlimoore: shut up🙈

tatedoll: HOLY SHIT

username7: such a pretty dress!

corbynbesson: oooh love the dress

imzachherron: wait. I'm simping
edenbro: sttoooppp
charlimoore: HOLY SHIT @jackaverymusic CHECK THIS OUT
jackaverymusic: YO WHAT??

aarronn: Kylie says you're very pretty!

Liked by jackaverymusic, seaveydaniel and 17,899 more

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Liked by jackaverymusic, seaveydaniel and 17,899 more

charlimoore: a bit dramatic 💙
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jackaverymusic: stop. You're gorgeous
fan8: OMG
charlimoore: stop. I'm blushing🥺


seaveydaniel: CHARLI OMG
charlimoore: DANI LOVE YOU
jackaverymusic: no❤️

beautychickee: STUNNING WHAT THE FUCK🤩🤩

jonahmarais: okay. I forgive you for calling me a whore
charlimoore: yay whore
jonahmarais: Char stop 😭


prettymuch: 🤩
charlimoore: WAI-

Liked by beautychickee, corbynbesson and 16,899 more

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Liked by beautychickee, corbynbesson and 16,899 more

charlimoore: bro 😝🤘
Tagged: edenbro
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