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-no p.o.v-

After watching the two and a half hour long movie Charli and Jonah were the only ones crying about Cedric's death.

"But, why did he have to die?" The brunette cried out hugging Jonah dramatically, "I don't know!" He sobbed into her shoulder being dramatic just like her.

"Chile-" Eden said with wide eyes putting a piece of her brown hair behind her ear.

"Ya'll so dramatic and for what?" Zach complained rolling his eyes.

"It's the crying for me" Corbyn commented his mouth is stuffed with pizza, "it's the walking around acting like that is your hair color for me" Charli snapped back as her friends 'ooo' and the blonde glared at her.

"Not me ready to fight to you" her hazel eyes went wide as she scoffed, "chile-Eden, hold my earrings" the best friends held her palm out and the dark brunette took off her earrings placing them on the palm.

All while doing this Corbyn immediately got up with a scared face and Jonah wipes his tears away taking the movie off; unbothered.

Jack smiled widely at the girl he is falling in love with everyday as she stands up in a fighting position and kicked Corbyn's side.

The blonde falls to the ground groaning in pain, "beat his ass, Char!" Daniel cheers on taking his phone out recording this as the brunette got on top of the newly friend trying to hit him softly but he easily blocks her punches.

It's not like they were actually fighting, she was just showing him some love. With her fists.

Everyone stopped cheering and fighting once they heard a knock on the door, their heads snapped in the direction of the knock.

"Is anyone going to answer it?" Jack wondered and they all shook their heads then eyed the ombré boy.

He rolled his honey brown eyes letting out a sigh and went to go open it, "hi" he softly said.

The friends all watched the boy talk to the manager of the hotel staying in their positions afraid of what he has to say.

"No problem, sir" Jack said with a soft smile and closed the door heading towards his friends. "Well?" Jonah questioned.

"Yeah we got kicked out" Jack nods his head trying to lighten the mood and their jaws dropped.



Arriving at Charli's house after the band got kicked out of the room for noise complaints they continued their party in her living room.

They laughed and talked for hours upon hours until they got tired and slept in the living room the movie still playing on the big tv.

All of Charli's upset and sad news disappeared being with her friends, they made her happy. Without even trying sometimes and she loves them deeply.

She would do anything to be with them all summer.

Maybe, someway she can be with them.

Liked by beautychickee, seaveydaniel and 324,887 more

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Liked by beautychickee, seaveydaniel and 324,887 more

corbynbesson: us after fighting 🥰
- - - - - - - - - -
charlimoore: I def won
corbynbesson: no❤️
jonahmarais: she ✨destroyed✨ your ass
imzachherron: did anyone else go to a different mind reading that? ^

jackaverymusic: *cough picture creds cough*
tatedoll: this isn't a verbal conversation dude
jackaverymusic: shut u-

tatedoll: charli loves me 🥰
charlimoore: yes I do, bebe 😘

seaveydaniel: sending it to you right now 😌
corbynbesson: wait wha-

beautychickee: I WOULD DIE TO SEE THAT IN VIDEO 😹↳ seaveydaniel: sending it to you right now 😌     ↳ corbynbesson: wait wha-

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Liked by jonahmarais, edenbro and 56,786 more

charlimoore: squishy 🥺
- - - - - - - - - -
seaveydaniel: best friend I LOVE YOU
charlimoore: I LOVE YOU MORE
jackaverymusic: i try, and i try 😭

charlimoore: ✨exposed✨

kaycookk: pretty lady
charlimoore: BYE THATS ALL YOU 😍

jackaverymusic: i forgive you, you're too pretty
wdwfan7: it's the flirting for me 🙊
username8: it's the not noticing y'all like each other for a couple more chapters and finally getting together after a long ass time for me 🙈✨
charlimoore: girl wh-


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