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*charli's pov*

Walking on the stage I could hear everyone become silent for it is time for my graduation speech, I nervously smiled at the class of this year in their capes and gowns.

"I never been on big speeches..." I nervously say trailing off, "here's the thing. Everyone is different in their own way and I admire that, truly I do, but at the end of the day we are struggling with our own battles."

My hazel eyes scan the bleachers even if they are far away I couldn't see my parents, they didn't come on my special day. God, I knew they wouldn't.

But part of me thought they would cancel their trip and come see me graduate high school, after all I worked deeply to walk on stage.

I nervously clear my throat already having tears in my eyes, "so it doesn't matter if you're a jock, nerd, goth, popular kid or a growing influencer" I point at myself as I hear a small chorus of laughter because basically my whole school knows about the amount of followers I have.

"What I really want to say is: I am glad you are all here sitting down in front of me. I am proud of what kind of person you become and hopefully you will pursue your career."

"Also, we're fucking graduating!"

The class cheered at my comment as I raised my hands up some teachers were glaring at me for cursing but I didn't mind at all.

After everyone got their diploma and threw their caps in the air Eden and I took our photos as her parents congratulated me.

It sucked not having my parents here but deep down I do love them even if they were gone for half my life.

"Let's go to the restaurant!" Eden suggested as we made way out of the crowd and into our cars.

Eden's parents rode in their car while me and Eden rode in my car towards the fancy restaurant.

God, can't believe I'm going to college in a few months. Everything is insane. But I love it.

Me and Eden arrived at the dinner table as we posted pictures on our Instagram.

Me and Eden arrived at the dinner table as we posted pictures on our Instagram

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Liked by edensmom, whydontwemusic and 79,728 more

edenbro: graduation dinner👩‍🎓 👩‍🎓
Tagged: charlimoore
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charlimoore: HAKSIWODJSLSJ
seaveydaniel: you good G?
wdwfan8: can I have Daniels and Charli's friendship?

imzachherron: proud of you
edenbro: ☺️

charlimoore: can we talk about my eyeliner here? IT LOOKS GOOD WTF
jackaverymusic: you always look good, shut up 😡
charlimoore: someone's angy 😳

beautychickee: IM A PROUD MOM
edenbro: ello mum
tatedoll: am I the miracle baby?
charlimoore: no that's Hope Mikaelson
username8: watch The Originals if you want to cry 😌

prettymuch: congratulations Eden 🎉
edenbro: dont play with my heart like that-

prettymuch: congratulations Eden 🎉 ↳ edenbro: dont play with my heart like that-

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Liked by jackaverymusic, edenbro and 3,839 more

ash.walker: proud of you Char
- - - - - - - - - -
charlimoore: ily A
ash.walker: ❤️

jackaverymusic: congrats bro
ash.walker: thanks man :)

wdwfan6: who's this?
charlisfruitbowl: Charli's ex bf

*limited comments*

Liked by corbynbesson, jonahmarais and 98,729 more

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Liked by corbynbesson, jonahmarais and 98,729 more

charlimoore: glad you're here for the next step in life
Tagged: edenbro
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charlimoore: ME TOO. I NEED A HUG

corbynbesson: congrats char
charlimoore: chile...anyways stream Lights Up by Harry Styles- JK THANK YOU LUV

imzachherron: glad you didn't drop out like me
charlimoore: I thought about it 😚

jonahmarais: proud of you Potterhead
charlimoore: Cedric

charlimoore: I LOVE YOU TOO DANI

jackaverymusic: char, congrats knew you could do it
charlimoore: thank you j 🥺


Also I would like to apologize for taking forever to update this I didn't realize how long it has been. I'm sorry 😳

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