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*third persons pov*

A smile is planted on the brunette's face as she walks inside her house she got a big sniff of burning cake. "What the fuck?" She cursed saying setting her stuff down in the hallway and speed walked to the kitchen.

She sees her parents coughing and waving their hands in the air to let the smoke disappear coming from the oven.

"Papa? Mama?" She said loud enough for them to hear as they turned her way, "Hey! Amor, come help us?" Her mother asked with a cheeky smile the brunette took notice of her outfit.

A long black velvet dress with small diamonds around the chest — most likely real diamonds — black six inch heels, accessories and her hair is neatly done in a curly mess.

Charli snapped out of it and quickly jogged to the pantry grabbing the fire extinguisher and pulled the trigger, a puff of white smoke come out of the object taming the smoke plus fire in the oven.

She let out a huff blowing a few hairs out of her face then looked at her parents who fixed themselves properly, even if it's just them three in the house.

"Are you guys trying to burn the house down?" Charli wondered setting the fire extinguisher down on the marble floor.

"No, amor, we just trying to bake you a cake" her father explains with a smile fixing his bow tie from his suit, "well we should have known this would happen" the older women named, Kelly, adds on then proceeded to wrap her arms around her only daughter.

"Yes, we should have ordered a cake from that one nice gentlemen at the bakery" her father, Cameron, adds on and embraced his daughter into a small but tight hug.

Charli nervously hugs them back with a puzzled look, "wait. Why are you trying to bake a cake?"

The parents laughed at the dark brunette, "my lord, didn't know our daughter is hilarious" Kelly comments still snickering.

"For your graduation, of course" Cameron explained with a smile revealing his pearly white teeth.

Charli's eyes narrowed down in shock. 'They remembered' she thought to herself.

Immediately the girl wrapped her arms around her parents tears of joy in her eyes as they were stunned for a second but hugged her back.

"There's no need for a cake, it's okay like this" she whispers saying as they heard her giving each other a smile.

"Hey, amor, lets watch a movie?" Cameron suggests asking, the teen's eyes brighten up as she released them from her grip.

"Let's watch Harry Potter!" Charli exclaims.

"Uh, we don't know who that is but okay" Kelly brushes her daughters hair lightly with a nervous smile.

The brunette did a small jump of happiness then ran to her pantry grabbing popcorn to heat in the microwave.

"So, how was your trip?" She wonders, "oh! Fanatic, you would've loved Peru!" Kelly brags.

Charli smiles as her mother continued speaking about the trip to Peru and what they did there, who they met and how her dad almost blacked out from too much alcohol.


My parents came home


It was nice
They remembered my graduation
and tried to bake me a cake

Wow that is surprisingly unexpected

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