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*no pov*

Out of breathe Charli finally arrived at her house and slowly walked to the back yard of her garden seeing her large swimming pool light up.

"Ash?" She called out his name fixing her hair due to it being messy from her running, "Ash!" She called again.

"Char.." she jumped up in surprise placing her hand over her chest where her increased beating heart is at and turned around facing her ex-boyfriend dressed in grey sweatpants, light blue shirt and some white tennis shoes. What he has to wear in rehab.

"Ash, wh-why did you escape?" She asked him and he takes notice of her dress, "you look really pretty" he tells her with a smile.

She let out a sigh running her hand through her hair, "Ash.." he nodded his head knowing he is getting off topic and she is worried about him.

"I wanted to see you, to say goodbye" she scrunched her eyebrows down at him puzzled by his comment.

"Goodbye?" She wondered. He takes her hand into his and she let him as he got close to her body, "Charli, I'm dying."

She never knew those two words, those seven letters would made her heart sink deep inside her body.

She didn't know what to say she just started crying as she covered her mouth, "your cancer is back?" He nodded his head at her and she sniffed her nose shaking her head.

"How long?" She gulped down not wanting to know but deep down she does what to, "two months" her breath hitches and her arms wrapped around his body immediately as she cried.

She heard him softly crying as well into her neck tightening the hug not want to let go of her.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry" she softly cried out wiping the tears from her face away, "I just want one thing from you."

She broke the hug still being close to his body, "anything" he grinned at her grabbing her purse and pulled out her phone.

She looks at him confused on what he is doing, "dance with me" he pressed the video as he is in the app 'YouTube' and she smiled hearing the song he played.

She softly chuckled as 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran plays, the dark brunette puts the phone down on the floor. Ash hesitates but he places his right hand on her waist interlocking his left hand with her left hand whilst she placed her free hand on his shoulder close to his neck.

They both slowly start rocking back and forth tears sliding down from both of them, "how long did you know?" She wonders as she rests her head on his chest still having his familiar scent of vanilla.

The dark brunette hesitates to answer the question, "few months" he gave her a short response whilst she dig her head more deeper into his chest wanting to just crawl in a hole.

She lets out a soft sob releasing her left hand and wrapped them around his neck crying softly not wanting to let go of him.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay" he whispers in her ear brushing her long silky hair with one hand and the other around her body.

"Charli, look at me" she shakes her head at him, "Charli. Please" she slowly lifts her head up facing his green eyes as her mascara is ruined as well as her makeup.

"I will always love you. Even if we're not together anymore; you are you so freaking strong. I never deserved you. You deserve to be loved and I didn't give you that" tears rolled down his cheeks as he talked, his voice cracked a bit but he continued.

"I should have given you more" his bottom lip quivers and she shakes her head repeatedly, "no. No, don't say that! Ash, you're my first love and always will be. I do deserve you because you have made my life so much better."

She wipes his tears away as his breath hitched a bit, "I do love you. I owe you for making my life so great" she chuckles and he smiled a bit, "I love you" he whispers cupping her cheeks and gently pressed his soft lips on her blushed lips.

To him it felt right kissing her again but to Charli it felt wrong knowingly Jack is waiting for her somewhere. She doesn't even know if they're going to be together but it feels like she's cheating on him.

After a few seconds Charli broke the kiss breathing heavy for air, she gulped down picking up her phone.

"W-What you doing?" He questions her whilst she is dialing Ash's mother's number, "calling your mom" she replied back.


One last longing hug is what Charli and Ash did before his mom came taking him back to the hospital so they can take care of him.

Charli held back the more tears coming down her face as she watched the car leave her drive way.

Eden walked up to the girl placing her hand on her shoulder, the brunette placed her hand over her best friend's. Eden wrapped her arms around the brunette's body from behind her hearing Charli softly cry to herself.

"She can meet the boys tomorrow" Jack whispered to his best friend watching the girl, he deeply fell in love with, sob into her best friend's arms.

"Charli, let's head to bed. You need sleep" Eden whispered to her grabbing her wrist and leading her towards the front of the house.

"We'll see you tomorrow" the dirty blonde told the two boys and they nodded their heads. Jack's mouth opened to talk to Charli but he didn't know what to say.

Her first serious boyfriend has an addiction and he is dying. What can he say?

Before he knows it the front door closed and he was left stunned small tears formed in his eyes and he stepped back slowly.

"Let's go" he mumbled and walked away to the car and Zach let out a long sigh and followed the upset boy.

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