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*third persons pov*

It has been a week since Ash had passed away and Charli thought she could be fine with him not here anymore.

But, she was wrong.

She hasn't ate or slept nor left her house since his death and Eden isn't even here to get her in trouble she left to Seattle weeks ago.

Jack has been calling her multiple times but she never answers him or when she does it was a quick 'I'm fine' then she hangs up.

It was driving Jack crazy and he was stressful that he couldn't be there for her. He doesn't know what to do and tour isn't very much help either.

He doesn't have days off or when he does Jack just rests or tries to call Charli, it's always a dead end for him.


After the boys were done with their concert in Minnesota, Jonah's home state, they went into the back room drinking water like it's the end of the world.

"Hey, man, how's Charli?" Corbyn asked after taking a big gulp out of his water bottle, Jack frowns lightly there's sorrow in his eyes.

Corbyn immediately regretted asking him, "I'm sor-" he was cut off, "it's fine. She's fine, I guess" he whispered distancing himself from his friend group.

Jonah sighs hanging his head low and checks his phone, he texted Charli before their show but she never answered him nor read the message.

"Hey, I got an idea!" Zach chirps in beaming a smile, "we don't want to hear it" Daniel sarcastically replied.

Zach rolled his eyes, "since we only have one more concert in the states what if we bring Charli to the concert in Paris?" He suggested.

Jack glances up a small smile forming on his lips, "I'd of thought his idea was shitty" Daniel shrugged.

Once again Zach rolled his eyes but smiled, "that's a good idea. I'll call her" Jack says unlocking his phone and exited the room.

"Has Eden talked to you about Char?" Corbyn asked quickly facing the brunette, "no. She tries to call her but nothing. She's really worried she even said she'll fly down there and yank her out of the bed."

"Why doesn't she just fly there?" Daniel wondered, "because someone has to fix up their apartment and be monitoring it—I don't know adult stuff" Zach shrugged.

Jonah shook his head at the young teen, "I hate to admit it but we might have to fly there to get her to talk to us" he said very softly.

Before anyone else could talk Jack walks inside the room a smile is on his lips but his eyes are still filled with hurt.

"Did she answer?" Daniel asked. "Yeah, sh-she did. She said she'll think about it" he beams a smile as he brings his hand up to his nose.

"I'm sorry" he apologized his brown eyes start to become glossy, "hey, no, don't apologize. We understand" Jonah replied.

His best friends embraced him in a warm and loving hug as he softly cries into Jonah's chest; he can finally relax knowing that somehow Charli is fine.

Not hearing her voice, laughter, or seeing her smile was agony to him. He would do anything just to see her smile like before.

why did this get so dark so fast bruh 🕳🏃‍♀️

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