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Jo 🧸

hey char...

im not in the mood
to talk

I get why you're mad
but they're idiots
especially Zach
they do love you, deeply


Charli, they just want to
see you happy
you're always so happy and full
of light
this, event, is killing you from the

and why is that Jonah?
maybe because the boy I loved
deeply for years and helped me with my
problems is dying and I can't do anything
about it

you're upset
Imma call you

I won't pick up

yes you will
or imma keep calling you

I'll turn my phone off

I'll call Eden, then Tatum and

don't you DARE tell mi novia
I don't want her worried

I won't
just pick up


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*third person's pov*

Charli accepted the call placing the phone by her ear and let out a low sigh, "what?" She asked in a dull tone wiping her tears from her cheeks.

Jonah could hear the small voice crack when she spoke, his green eyes softened the slightest.

"Are you okay?" He genuinely asked her.

Jonah is sitting in the tour bus, he got up from his spot and made way to the front. They're at a rest stop right now so he went outside and distanced himself from the rest not wanting them to hear his and Charli's conversation.

The brunette sarcastically chuckled sniffing her nose, "spectacular, Jonah" she replied.

He closed his eyes for a second hearing the tone in her voice, "what do you want?" She added on.

Jonah inhaled sharply, "talk. I just want to talk" Charli rolled her eyes closing her door from her bedroom even though she is alone, again.

Not too long ago her parents left and she didn't feel like bothering Eden.

"About?" She wondered, "anything. Tell me what's on your mind" Charli scrunched her eyebrows down in confusion but without realizing it she started talking about her issues.

"What's on my mind? You really want to know Jonah?" She asked but didn't let the brunette answer, "my life sucks! And I don't mean I didn't get the new edition of Gucci; I mean that at times in my life I really question my existence. Why am I even here? Why the hell did my parents decide to have me when they are going to leave me alone in this fucking house to just go on vacation?"

Charli felt her throat ache for air, tears are falling down her eyes and onto the floor, her nose stung and she felt like breaking down but couldn't stop telling Jonah her problems.

"Oh and that's just the cherry on top, Jonah. Ash can be an asshole sometimes, yes, but he has his own problems. Dealing with addiction of drugs. Not only did that hurt him but it hurt me seeing him at such a vulnerable state and not knowing where he would be in days! I tried s-so hard to keep our relationship healthy. So hard! But he chose drugs over me, and now he's fucking dying"

Jonah was speechless, their were tears in his eyes and some slide down. He sat down on a nearby table and just listened to the way she talked. Her voice sounded weak.

She was done with all the bullshit in her life. But one thing she said caught his attention that he will bring up. 'Why am I even here?' Nobody should question themselves that.


"What did I do wrong, Jonah? To make everyone in my life drift away?" Charli sat on her floor sobbing to herself and put the brunette on speaker whilst she covered her face.

Jonah blinked a few times to avoid more tears coming, "nothing. You did absolutely nothing wrong. Look, I may not know or feel exactly what you're feeling, Char. But I do know that not all people in your life drifted away."

Charli covers her mouth to not make any noises as her best friend talks.

"You have me, Jack, the boys, Eden, Tatum and Christina. You have us in your life and we are not leaving it; you're stuck with us" he chuckled and let out a small sigh in relief once he heard her chuckle lightly.

She's listening to him.

"What happened or is happening in your life shouldn't haunt you or break you down. Use that pain to make you stronger. You're already strong, Charli. Want to know why?"

She sniffs her nose, "w-why?" She asked with a voice crack, "because you're still here" the brunette girl covers her mouth again to avoid the sob wanting to come out.

"Your life isn't meaningless, you are something. To me, especially to Jack and to everyone else that is important to you. We love you deeply, Charli. We tell you everyday in the group chat."

"I-I love you, Jo" she softly said placing her hand over her heart feeling it beat in a fast pace. "I love you too, Charli. Now, why don't you calm down and I'll add you to the group chat?"

She nodded her head even if he can't see her, "okay. Thank you. And I know what is sounded like in the beginning but I want you to know...I will never-" she got cut off.

"I know, Char. I know, you won't" Jonah says a weak but proud smile is on his face, "and you're welcome. Calm down, okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

I love you guys for making this story how it is, I really thought about not continuing writing this because of how bad it sucks lol

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