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Nayeon's POV

"After this, are we gonna go back home already?" Jungkook asked as he munched on his food.

"We can have a last stroll or swim before we can go back." Jimin said before drinking his juice.

While I was just sitting down and quietly eating, an arm wrapped around my waist making me flinch.

I look at my side and saw Taehyung smiling at me so I smiled back.

"Noona, are you guys a thing already?" I snapped my head towards Jungkook who just asked me.

Dahyun and Jimin started giving me and Taehyung teasing smirks while I jut chuckled.

"If I say yes, what will you say?" I asked making Jungkook's eyes widen.

"Jinjja? For reals?" Dahyun and Jimin both asked in unison.

"Ne." Taehyung answered making me look at him with a smile. "Noona, why didn't you kept your promise!" Jungkook whined.

"You said you aren't dating him until I get a girl of my own. Now I'm the only single here" he was exclaimed while me and the others just laughed.

"Aish, mianhe Kookie, but I will still be here you now?" I stood up and hugged him from beside.

He then grinned like child and hugged me back but that's when I realized what he was up to.

I look at Taehyung who was frowning. "Yeah, I'm fine right now. Don't worry about me." He said.

I smirked. "Okay~" I cooed and hugged Jungkook tighter who just chuckled.

After a few seconds, I pulled away from Jungkook and so did he as I looked at Taehyung who is trying to distract himself with his phone.

"Unnie, there is a gift shop here, let's go buy some stuffs." Dahyun said and stood up.

"Sure."I said and followed her from behind as we walked towards the gift shop she as talking about.

Sooner, we arrived at the shop. We entered and was greeted by the warm air inside making me breathe in deeply.

" I could live here."I said making Dahyun laugh. "I don't think Taehyung will allow you." She said.

We both walked around the store and looked for some stuffs while talking happily.

"Oh, unnie, last night, I woke up in the middle of the night so I decided to stroll at the shore." She said.

I nodded. "Mhm, and?" I asked while looking at the mugs on the sheleves since I know she still will continue.

"Well me and Kyungsoo bumped into each other. Not literally, okay? And he asked for your number." She said. I snap my head towards her and raised a brow.

"And you gave him my number?" I asked. She smiled and shook her head. "As far as he seemed friendly, I still need your permission to do that." She said making me smile at her.

"Thanks for that." I said. She then giggled. "For instant, I think he likes you." She said making me scoff.

"I doubt that." I said. "It's true. He seems to really like you. I have been watching his movements ever since he came to talk to Jimin." She said.

I nodded and took two mugs from the shelves and put it on a basket I have been carrying.

"Scratch that, before he talked to Jimin." She said as we continued walking.

"What?" I asked. "Well, I noticed that he and his friends have been eyeing you when we were at the cottage and it seems like..." She said.

"Seems like?" I said as we searched at the other side of the shelf. "Seems like he made the 'out of space on their grill' thing just to talk to us- you rather." She said.

I look at her with an eyebrow raised. "Have you been this observant?" I asked. She then laughed. "Nope. I have been observant just when he arrived." She answered as she referred to Kyungsoo.

I chuckled. "Let's just pay for these stuffs." I said as I look down at our baskets that has stuffs already.

She nodded so we both headed to the counter to pay.


Hey guys,

I'm so sorry if this chapter is quite short. If you have seen my profile, I wrote at my message board that I was too tired to update.

But I can't stand not updating for today. Hope you all will bear with this short one.

But I will try my best to write at least 900 or 1000 words for the next chapter.

I love you guys!!!

Take care and stay safe!!!!


Spring Day✔ | VNayeon ft. Dahmin Where stories live. Discover now