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Nayeon's POV

"Ma'am, is my drawing okay?" One of my students, Charlotte asked with a shy smile.

I look at her drawing and smiled at her. "Your drawing is so pretty! I'm sure your parents will love that." I said making her smile widely.

"Really? Yay! I will give this to them when I get home." She giggled and went back to her seat.

While looking at the students in here at my class, I couldn't help but think what would it be like to have one.

But then a part of me ached when I remember the one and only person I wanted to share the same dream as me.


It have been so long ever since he disappeared out of nowhere. Jimin and Jungkook even got so sad that it almost looked like they are in depression for loosing Tae.

But past is past... We three have already accepted the fact that we won't see him anymore.

"Okay, class dismissed. You may now go home." I said when I heard the school bell started to ring.

"Goodbye, and thank you Ms. Im!" The class greeted happily and grabbed their bags before exiting the classroom one by one.

I stayed inside first to take the paintbrushes and coloring materials and put them at their containers.

Spring Day✔ | VNayeon ft. Dahmin Where stories live. Discover now