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Nayeon's POV

"Let's play a game!" Jungkook said cheerfully.

It was actually already night time and we finished eating dinner yet, we guys still aren't sleepy so we just sit here at the living room.

"What game?" Tae asked who was beside me. "Jinga blocks" he answered. I pouted. "Lame." I teased which made him glare at me.

He was about to tell something to me when Tae covered his mouth. "Let's play another game." He agreed to my decision which made Jimin laugh.

Tae removed his hand on Jungkook's mouth who was pouting as he sit beside me.

"You guys are no fun." He said which made me laugh and lean my head on his shoulder. "We will promise that what game we will pick will be your taste." I said which made him smile.

After years of deciding, joke😂. Just after few minutes, we ended up playing truth or dare. To be honest, I regretted rejecting Jungkook's game a while ago. This game is lamer to be honest.

Jimin took an empty bottle from the kitchen and put it on the floor before spinning it.

It pointed at Jungkook. "Truth." Jungkook instantly said which made me grin and lean closer to him which made him shock.

"Are you dating someone?" I asked. Slowly, I saw his cheeks starts to heat up. "A-aniyo." He said which made me frown. "Yah! Tell the truth!" I glared at him.

I backed away from him as he squat up straight. "I'm telling the truth noona~" he whined.

I sighed. Looks like he is telling the truth...

Next, Jungkook spin the bottle and ended at Taehyung. "Truth or dare?" Jimin asked. "Dare." Taehyung said.

I look at Jimin who was smirking now. Something tells me that I will get involved here...

"I dare you to tell Nayeon your biggest secret." Jimin said which made me sigh in relief. Good thing it wasn't a physical dare.

Taehyung nodded and leaned to me as he put his hand around my ear.

"I miss my best friend when she left me before."

What he said made my heart sank. Did I really cause him so much pain?

He then smiled while backing away as I just smiled awkwardly at them.

Jimin then spinned the bottle as it pointed at me which made me pout.

"Noona~ truth or dare~" Jungkook asked happily since he know how much I hate being asked to do something I don't want to.

"Truth." I smiled which made him smile more as I raise a brow.

"Do you like Taehyung?" Jimin asked which made me pause for a while.

Taehyung's POV

"Do you like Taehyung?" Jimin asked which made her shock for a while.

We all looked at her waiting for an answer especially me.

She meant what she said at the letter a long time ago... Right?

She then smiled afterwards. "Secret~" Nayeon said which made Jungkook whine.

"Noona~" he begged which made her laugh. "I ain't telling you guys." She said which made me and the guys look at each other.

Seems like we have the same thing in mind...

We all smirked and look at Nayeon. She also seems to know what we are about to do as she stand up.

"Don't." She glared at us but it was no use. She then run past beside me but I was fast to catch her.

Our position now was I was hugging her from behind as she tried getting out from my grip.

"Let go!~" Nayeon whined as Jungkook and Jimin came to her and start tickling her.

Me? I am just enjoying my time hugging Nayeon 😏. (Sneaky am I right?)

"Y-yah! Stop i-it!" Nayeon said between laughs but Jungkook and Jimin didn't stop.

"Not until you tell us the truth." Jimin laughed. "Aniyo! I won't tell you guys." She said which made them tickle her more.

As they all continued laughing and tickling, I was smiling from behind.

This is how life should be for me...


Hey guys!

Hoped you like this chapter!!

Love lots!!


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