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The next morning, (Y/N) and Elliot got ready for the day before slowly making their way upstairs to 221b. When their knock sounded, Sherlock smirked.

John caught his look and shook his head at him. "Shut up," he muttered, before opening the door, greeting the two with a smile on his face. "(Y/N), Elliot, hi."

"Hi, John," (Y/N) said softly as Elliot broke away from her side to crawl up onto Sherlock's lap. "We've got some things to discuss regarding babysitting Elliot."

John only nodded and welcomed her inside, closing the door behind her. Quietly, (Y/N) took a seat opposite Elliot and Sherlock, John taking the empty seat on the couch.

John was the first to speak up. "Listen, about yesterday, I'm terribly sorry-"

(Y/N) held up a hand and John quieted down. "It's alright, John. Elliot actually told me what happened. He said he wanted to go. He couldn't have known better."

John nodded in understanding, hoping Sherlock would say something but he was too busy occupying Elliot's attention. (Y/N) took this as a sign to continue. "I've decided to keep leaving Elliot with you guys; he seems to enjoy it."

"Sherlock?" John turned to him, and the detective perked up. "What do you think? You have a say in this too."

It didn't take long for him to respond. "It's fine." he went back to entertaining Elliot.

(Y/N) wasn't expecting that. In fact, she figured he'd protest, want her to start leaving him with Mrs. Hudson. John was shocked too. After how he had acted when (Y/N) had left, he figured Sherlock wanted the silence.

"You're...okay with babysitting Elliot?" (Y/N) asked, just to make sure she had heard him right.

Sherlock gave them both a grin. "Quite alright," he spoke simply, before leaning over to quietly answer Elliot's question.

John and (Y/N) shared a look before John shook his head. Better not question it further. "Ah, well, thank you, Sherlock. I really appreciate it." (Y/N) said softly, and Sherlock gave her a nod. He knew she was grateful.

Not long after, Mrs. Hudson brought up tea and they all gossiped together. John asked about (Y/N)'s job, which prompted her in telling funny stories about her students. Sherlock had asked if it was alright if he and Elliot could do an experiment, to which she agreed, as long as there weren't body parts included. He swore on his life that there wouldn't be any.

As they all caught up and spent their time together, Sherlock's phone rang late afternoon. He picked it up, listening to what Lestrade had to say. His face lit up in a grin, and both John and (Y/N) knew what that meant: new information on the case. Mrs. Hudson looked between them and offered to babysit Elliot while they went out.

A small smile graced (Y/N)'s lips. "I appreciate the offer, Mrs. Hudson, however, I think Elliot would much rather go with Sherlock." she chuckled. "I'll probably go back to my flat and relax until they get home."

"Actually," Sherlock's voice caught their attention as he helped Elliot with his shoes. "I could use someone with historical knowledge for this case," he explained as he put on his coat and scarf. "We're dealing with a Jack the Ripper fanboy."

(Y/N) leaned over to John, who was about to put on his coat. "Is Sherlock Holmes asking me to join you on a case?"

John laughed as he nodded, and Elliot grabbed her hand. "Come on, mommy!"

(Y/N) giggled as she put on her shoes and grabbed a coat. She walked side-by-side with John down the stairs as he briefed her on what had happened so far. She couldn't help but notice the bounce in Elliot's step as he held on to Sherlock's hand, or how he immediately situated himself next to Sherlock in the cab as he buckled himself in.

As long as he was being a good influence on her little boy, she didn't mind that Elliot was creating an amazing friendship with Sherlock.

And you know you don't want it any other way


A.N: Hi all, once again I apologize for the short chapter. Just another one establishing relationships, seeing growth, and progressing toward the action, so I'll keep this author's note brief.

I hope you've all enjoyed C A L M so far! There should be some action in the next chapter.

Until next time,


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