Not In The Same Way

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Over the course of the week, routine continued as normal. (Y/N) dropped off Elliot in the morning and picked him up after work. With her schedule being slightly more free now that school was out for the summer, she could spend time with the three boys.

Today, (Y/N) had spent the rest of her free afternoon at 221b. Mrs. Hudson had brought up tea, and Elliot was happily playing with his toy cars as the boys went over their latest case.

"So it was the mother that did it?" (Y/N) clarified, looking between John and Sherlock.

Sherlock nodded as John replied, "Everything about the case didn't make sense until the very end and Sherlock was able to figure it out."

"Good job, Mr. Detective." she giggled, and Sherlock gave her a soft smile. He'd been out of it today; he knew John was planning on asking (Y/N) out tonight. He'd been practicing all last night and the days leading up to today. He wished it was him, but alas, John was his best friend. He wouldn't do that. "Sherlock?"

"Hm?" the detective hummed, looking between the other two. "Sorry, got lost in thought." he brushed it off. It wasn't exactly a lie, though. She nodded in understanding, and that was good enough for him.

Finally, the moment Sherlock had been dreading. "Hey, (Y/N), do you maybe...wanna go out tonight? Just the two of us?"

She certainly hadn't seen that coming, but being polite, she glanced at Sherlock. "Um, sure John. Sounds lovely." she accepted, then fully gave Sherlock her attention. "Do you mind watching Elliot by yourself tonight?"

"Don't mind at all. We'll make the most of it." the detective reassured her. She nodded, a slight smile on her lips.

"Best head downstairs and freshen up a bit, then. See you in a bit, John." then she was out the door just like that, and John was heading for his room to get ready too. Sherlock was left alone to wallow in his feelings, watching as Elliot drove his car toy over all the different surfaces in 221b.


Time passed by quickly. Before Sherlock knew it, (Y/N) was knocking on the door of 221b, and John had gone to answer it. She stepped inside to give Elliot a kiss goodbye, and then they were out the door. Sherlock didn't even get the chance to tell her how lovely she looked.

John offered his arm to (Y/N), and she took it with a smile. "So, where are we headed? Or is it a secret?" she chuckled, and the blogger smiled.

"It's not a secret." John spoke. "We're just heading to a place nearby. Sherlock and I held a stakeout here once."

She giggled. "How romantic." All she could imagine was John and Sherlock on what seemed to the public eye as a date. She couldn't help but think how cute that was. "Well, it sounds like a lovely place."

They arrived not long after, and were led to a table. They got drinks and chatted about (Y/N)'s students and the end of the year, her hopes for the next school year; in return she asked John about his blog and the cases he'd been on recently.

"Did you finish writing up the ripper case?" (Y/N) asked. Occasionally she read John's blog, and she definitely thought she could use this case as an example in class in the future when the students were learning about early English history.

"Yes. 'The Ripper 2.0'. Not my best title, but it's the only thing I could come up with." John laughed. He'd spent hours on titles, and Sherlock could vouch for him. That was the worst part, coming up with the titles.

"I can't wait to read it." she replied, taking a sip of her drink.

The two continued on like that, talking about random things until dinner came, and through dinner. It was nice; they hadn't had time to themselves like this in a while, (Y/N) always with Elliot and John going on cases with Sherlock. It was like they were two friends reuniting after several years.

The waiter asked the two if they'd be having dessert, to which they both declined. John had grown quiet over the course of the evening, and (Y/N) wondered why. The conversation had been good in the beginning, so she thought maybe they had run out of things to talk about. That was until John cleared his throat and took her hand.

"(Y/N)," she noted the shake in his voice. He was nervous. "We've known each other for quite some time. And I know you probably aren't ready to move on just yet, but, I like you. And I was wondering if maybe, you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

Her heart sank. "Oh, John," she sighed, and he knew then she didn't feel the same.

"You don't feel the same."

"I'm sorry, I really am. You've done so much for me and this is how I repay your kindness." (Y/N) held a hand to her temple. "It's just, I've fallen for someone else."

John's smile was kind. He knew she felt bad about it all, and he did his best to reassure her that it was alright. "It's Sherlock, isn't it?"

She lifted her head and gave him a funny look. "How did you know?"

He gave her another smile as he grabbed his jacket off the chair. "I live with him, (Y/N). Every time I talk to him about you, he grows quiet. I've heard you come up the stairs in the middle of the night and have heard you two talking." he chuckled. "And I can reassure you, he feels the same." he pulled out her chair for her to stand.

"Are you sure?" (Y/N) asked, picking up her coat.

"Positive." John offered his arm to her, which she took, and together the walked home, John telling (Y/N) all about how suspicious he had been of Sherlock when the three of you had all been together.

The reassurance that John's feelings weren't hurt made (Y/N) feel better. He told her to just tell Sherlock how she felt, and that he would tell her how he felt in return. By the time they reached 221b, (Y/N) took a deep breath, and together they went up the stairs.

When you tell me you love me, then you wanna leave me


A.N: Hi everyone! I hope you've enjoyed reading CALM so far!

As you could probably tell, this was John's chapter. We focused on his relationship with the reader and his confession, which got rejected. But, I didn't want him to have any hard feelings, so that's why he's okay with what has happened. You'll see the same thing happen in the next chapter, which is for Sherlock.

This story is slowly coming to a close, and I love how it's going to end. I can't wait to share it all with you!

Once again, thank you for reading CALM!

Until next time, 


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