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For once, Sherlock felt at peace. It was weird. There was no case to hyper fixate on. However, Sherlock didn't mind.

Instead, all he could think about was (Y/N).

He couldn't explain it, and he felt like he had heard John talk about it before. This...weird feeling he was experiencing. "Sherlock?"

The detective snapped out of his thoughts, turning to John. "Sherlock, are you alright?" John had noticed how he had been spacing out more often now that the case was over. But he wasn't shooting walls, so that was definitely a plus.

Sherlock took a moment to think. Maybe John could help him figure this out. "Um, John, can I ask you something?"

That took John by surprise. "Yeah. What's going on?"

"I've been...thinking about (Y/N) lately." he began. "Ever since the Ripper case."

"You know, I have been too." John chuckled. Perhaps they were both just concerned for her safety? That was quite possible; she did almost get murdered. "I think I'm going to ask her out."

That caused Sherlock to pause. What was John planning to do? "Excuse me?" he mumbled, looking up at him.

"Come on, Sherlock." John sat down next to him, still chuckling. "You know how much I like (Y/N). Why not finally ask her out instead of talking about it?"

That. That was what he was feeling! Sherlock finally pinned what the feeling was; he liked (Y/N) in the same way that John liked her. Except, he couldn't tell John that because...John liked (Y/N) and had liked her for awhile.


The detective turned away and entered his mind palace. "Forget I said anything."


The weeks went by like normal: Sherlock and John watched Elliot while (Y/N) went to work. It was a lovely routine they had going on, except for today.

It was just a regular Saturday. Elliot had been bugging (Y/N) all morning about going up to visit Sherlock and John, and she had finally given in. Gathering Elliot's toys, they put on their shoes and headed up the stairs. One knock, and there...Sherlock was, answering the door. "(Y/N), Elliot." he spoke, quite surprised.

"Afternoon, Sherlock." she chuckled, and Elliot went in for his hug, "Hi Lock!"

The detective ruffled the boy's hair with a smile. "John's not here, by the way. And it's Saturday." Usually, they only really saw the mother and son during the week. Saturday and Sunday were their day off from babysitting.

An embarrassed blush reddened (Y/N)'s face. "I know, but Elliot wanted to come up and see you. Is it alright if we come in?"

How could he say no to that? Sherlock stepped aside and gestured them in with a smile. "Mrs. Hudson will be up with tea shortly." he said.

(Y/N) had never really gotten a good chance to look at Sherlock's flat. She was always in a rush dropping Elliot off and picking him up at the end of the day. Not even the one time she had come in to talk to Sherlock and John about babysitting Elliot after they had taken him to a crime scene. She liked the style they had going on. It made the room feel antique-y almost, with the patterned wallpaper and the dark flooring. The spray paint smiley-face added in some color, she thought, and were those...bullet holes? She didn't want to ask. "You have a really nice flat, Sherlock."

The detective wasn't prepared for the compliment. "Um, thank you." he said, trying not to look confused. It was normal that people complimented each other's flats, right?

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