Lonely Heart

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After that first night, the hallucinations didn't stop. In fact, they kept getting worse.

It was only a whisper here and there at first when (Y/N) did things or wore clothes that had been associated with her partner. She'd spend long nights staring into her mirror after Elliot had gone to bed to get a glimpse of them again.

(Y/N) didn't dare tell Sherlock as the school year started creeping closer. In all honesty, she hoped that it all would go away once she got busy again. She was holding out for that. However as the weeks went by, she was starting to doubt the idea.

Unbeknownst to her, Sherlock had noticed the bags under her eyes and the change in her behavior. He didn't say anything because he wanted her to come to him about it, but he'd be lying if he didn't say he wasn't worried. He was really worried. Most nights he offered for her to spend the night in their flat, but (Y/N) seemed to be turning the offer down a lot lately, which didn't help his worry.

"(Y/N)..." came that devilish whisper that had been haunting her for the past few weeks. (Y/N) groaned as tears pricked the corners of her eyes; she just wanted to sleep. "Don't cry now love."

She wiped away the tears and sat up in bed, going over to sit in front of her mirror again. She stared at her reflection. She was tired of it all. On the verge of tears again, she cradled Elliot in her arms and headed up the stairs again.

John was the one to answer the door this time. He let her in, eyes full of worry as he noted the tears. "(Y/N), what's wrong?"

"I can't take it anymore, John," she sighed, wiping away more tears. "I can't take it! I haven't been able to sleep in days, weeks! They haunt me and my every move, every choice..." she trailed off as she took a seat on the couch.

John wrapped a blanket around her and went to get Sherlock, who was by her side in a moment's notice. He held her as John went and made tea, taking Elliot so she could comfortably sit. "Now, take a deep breath and tell us what's been going on." the doctor spoke.

(Y/N) took a deep breath like instructed and a sip of tea for courage before she spoke. "It started a few weeks ago. I heard their voice and saw them in my mirror. My partner," she said, and John nodded. "I've been hallucinating them since. In the mirror, their voice, their touch even sometimes."

There was a long pause before she looked John in the eye. "Are they haunting me because I've moved on?"

Sherlock's heart broke as he heard her speak. She sounded so lost and broken as he traced patterns on her skin to let her know he was there. John immediately shook his head and took one of her free hands. "(Y/N), while many don't believe in spirits, trust me when I say that they would want you to be happy and to move on." he bit his lip.

"But I feel so guilty," she turned to Sherlock. "I don't want to. I love being with you."

Sherlock was silent before he spoke for the first time that night. "When was the last time you visited them?"

(Y/N) bit her lip as she pondered the detective's question. "About, three or four months ago, I suppose? I don't remember. But what has that-"

John interrupted her. "Sometimes when we lose people we love, we think we start hearing them and seeing them. We might think we're guilty because we've done something wrong and their spirit is angry with us, but I promise you it's not." he sighed. "They would want you to be happy."

Silently, (Y/N) nodded as she took in John's words. "What should I do, then?"

The boys shared a look before Sherlock spoke. "We need to go visit them."

When I wake up in a haze and I haven't slept in days


A.N: Hello everyone! Apologies for such a short chapter, but we are now only one chapter away from the end! Despite these chapters not being as long as I wished they were, they do wrap up the story nicely.

I don't really have much to say, so thank you for reading CALM thus far!

Until next time,


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