The Legend and Begining

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Once upon a time, there was 4 races living on the world, Monsters,Saiyans, Humans, and Tuffles (Tsufurian)...

Monsters- unique creatures in every way possible, from looks to size and abilities to match their uniqueness, as some can heal the worst injury, or some can destroy the sturdiest mountain,with enough power, they are also incredibly kind and accepting, or they try their best to be, as don't get on their bad side, because they'll show you what the word "monster" truly means.

Saiyans- a race of humanoid looking fighters with enough strength to crush anyone and everyone under their might! They use to be mostly made it evil and vile people, but long ago, a Saiyan of legend, a Super Saiyan God had appeared! And had taken care of the majority of the evil Saiyans, only a few evil ones remain, and even then the best they can do is cause minor mischief, and because of the ratio of good Saiyans overweights the bad ones they are have been able to become great neighbors with the monsters, helping each other occasionally. And yes our favorite, orange gi wearing, fight loving monkey friend still went on his adventures, until the end of Demon King Piccolo.

Humans- an also unique race in their own right, with their incredibly Advance survival skills and will to survive made them a force to be reckoned with.
As they are humans with abilities of magic to skilled martial artists, though more on the ordinary side of the scale, they are still something scary as some humans are born with the power of pure determination, a power beyond any control if used correctly.
But despite this they still fear the Saiyans and Monsters for their abilities and strength.

Tuffles (Tsufurian)- a race of humanoid like scientists, as they don't have any type of abilities and aren't remarkably strong like the other races, but their Technology and smarts are were they shine! Their Technology are leagues above any of the other races, besides the Brief's family of course, they live normal lives and stick with the humans more then the Monsters and Saiyans, for the same reason the humans fear them.

The War

A war eventually started between the four races, as the humans were scared of the monsters and their ability to absorb human souls and the Saiyans pure strength and the legend of the Super Saiyan God they talk about, as the Humans and Tuffles were close in terms of Just about everything, it didn't take much convincing for the Tuffles to help put a stop to something before it could actually happen, so with the humans magic and some martial arts, with the Tuffles Technology, they joined together and attacked the Saiyans and Monsters..which ended horribly for them as Monsters had some trouble, but with the Saiyans overwhelming strength,and even some humans helping the Saiyans and Monsters out, so being forced to retreat and think of a solution, they finally thought of something,a Anti-Saiyan machine, so much putting together all the Technology and smarts the had, they built machine that could deal with Saiyans and named it, Hatchiyack! And with this at their side, the tables had turned and we're able to eventually seal the Saiyans and Monsters,with the handful of "traitorous" humans underground, and used an extremely high tech barrier to block them in, and surrounded that with a magic spell and extra barrier that would cause the mountain to shake like it would crumble if they would dare try and escape from it.
And even then two humans would fall in, years apart from each other's visit, one being a chocolate loving, green shirt wearing girl Chara, and another being the purple wearing, eyes forever closed, Frisk, but thankfully they were welcomed with open arms and live there, to this day happily.

But this story doesn't end just yet as the Humans and Tuffles were still paranoid if the Saiyans and Monsters got out, so in their delusion, they started to make another machine, but this time, a Bio mechanical, as the humans and Tuffles were so sure this would work, they pull a move that a certain prince would definitely make, and added the key to their prison, inside the bio Tsufurian machine, they added all data of material arts, basic ki control, and even pieces of Hatchiyack's anti-Saiyan buffs into their work of art, but one problem, as this was a bio had to develop, and it took so many years it was eventually forgotten about, as they tried to think of something else, but again, they eventually gave up thinking if they Saiyans and Monsters haven't gotten out now, they never would, and left it at that, and even if they did, they have Hatchiyack still, but even though left alone, the bio machine Continued to grow and grow, until it eventually was able to break out of his growing pod, and with only a name and destination in mind, it started it's way to Mt. Paozu, the location for the sealed Monsters and Saiyans, but didn't know exactly why, as they scientists never got that far into designing they plan into him, so their our main character goes to the top of Mt. Paozu, and hopefully to learn the reason for being here. Oh and the name of our new Character? Well that's simple, their name is


Probably... no, definitely not the best name, but it was better than "Baby" as someone suggested.

But as Squishy made his way up to the Mt. He found a small shack like house, alone on the top of this simple hill, as when he curiously entered it, he found the floor under him, opening up and letting him fall in, as it soon closed soon after he fell, as he fell to the bottom, he didn't seem to bothered, that was until he got the ground, laying there slightly stinging, but looked at his surroundings from the ground, as it was a nice flower garden with all sorts of flowers, from roses, to violets, to buttercups, as he laid there thinking,he realizes one thing...

He had absolutely no diddly darn idea, what he's doing!!

To be continued!
I hope everyone who will read this will enjoy my story,and yes I purposely made the name Squishy in honor that Akira Toriyama, would make Gags and silly things in Dragon ball and in fact, Squishy is exactly like that! His looks anyway !

To be continued! I hope everyone who will read this will enjoy my story,and yes I purposely made the name Squishy in honor that Akira Toriyama, would make Gags and silly things in Dragon ball and in fact, Squishy is exactly like that! His looks an...

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The Squishy Bio machine himself!
Anyway until next time!
See ya later!

Next time! On Undertale Zkai!

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