Training! Fighting..?

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Squishy was still where we left off, starring at the dummy, as they seemed to be in a stare down, neither one giving in! This could go on for hours! Years! Centuries-

"Oh! There you are!"

A voice was heard from behind as Squishy turned around and looked at the source, him swearing he saw the Dummy have a victorious smirk, but was to distracted by Chi-Chi walking up to him, rolling her sleeves back down like she just got down with something, though her hands were red slightly,like she was hitting something... Squishy didn't care, as he stood up and looked up at her.

"So, Toriel made you wait hm? Well I guess it was for the best.. you might've got hurt with the puzzles, especially with her if she was in a rush.."

she said looking at the dummy, before getting a small idea.

"Hm..hey, How about we teach you some self defense, Incase you get into some trouble and I'm not around to help?" She explained as she ushered Squishy to the Dummy.

(Author note: This isn't to far fetched as she actually trained Goten for a while,and we all liked that Chi-Chi better!)

"Alright! I want you try and Attack the dummy"

she told him as she took a step back and observed, as Squishy looked at the dummy and imagined the smirk he thought it had a while ago, as he grew an upset looked and balled his fist and quickly, but Savagely uppercutted the dummy, sending to the ceiling, and smashing against it and leaving a crack in it, but bounced down and smacked Squishy into the floor as he somehow landed back in its original spot, as Squishy stood up and looked angry, but Chi-Chi stopped him from doing else, before moving his body in a martial arts stance, hers to be specific, as she took the stance

"Alright, I want you to watch me alright?"

She said as she jumped at the dummy and did a high kick, remaining on one foot as she switched to her other foot, and sweeps the dummy off the ground before doing a back flip kick knocking it in the air spinning as she waited for it to fall before doing a small jump and spin kick and knocked the dummy into the wall, while she brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"There, that should be a good example, don't you think?"

She asked looking back at Squishy, who was actually beyond impressed and started trying to copy her by throwing small punches and kicks, making Chi-Chi laugh, as she fixed the dummy.

"You wanna try again, but try your own style, with my stance as a base of course"

She said as Squishy immediately got into the stance, surprisingly learning the stance pretty quickly.
As he rushed the dummy and did a gut punch to the dummy, as his fist was visible through the other side, making Chi-Chi flinch a little, as Squishy, Continued with a upward spin kick, but had his foot retracted until it was under the chin of the dummy,and quickly shot it out and kicking it upwards, following it with a jump and Sledgehammering it to the ground as when he landed he stomped on the dummy before backflipping off it, as he had a proud smile, looking at Chi-Chi, who looked beyond surprised, that what they thought was a child did something so hardcore, and expertly done too!

"O-oh! Uh well that was impressive! Uh.. quite the expertise for fighting... reminds me of a certain someone.."

She said and she laughed soon after as set the dummy back up.

"Alright, how about we continue until Toriel gets back huh?"

She asked as Squishy immediately agreed and the two Continued to train and beat the poor, but durable dummy around, until Toriel eventually came back and looked baffled by what she saw.

"Chi-Chi! What are you doing!?"

She asked as she stood infront of the dummy stopping them from Continuing any more harm to it as Chi-Chi explained the situation
"I teaching him some self defense, Incase he gets into trouble without us around."

She said as Squishy was throwing out punches in the air, as Toriel let out a small sigh.

"But what if he starts being to violent to other people?"

She said voicing her concern, but Chi-Chi Crossed her arms in response.

"Frisk turned out fine, didn't she? And so did Goten, Trunks, Gohan?"

She stated as Toriel lifted a finger to say something, but realised that Chi-Chi, was indeed right.

"Yes..I suppose you are correct.."

she said, in a defeated tone, as she shook her head and regained her sweet smile.

"Well! I guess we can see this as something to celebrate! As Frisk has made some pie! And not burnt this time!"

She said as clapped her together as she sounded proud and excited, as Chi-Chi gasped before smiling as the two started talking back and forth about how happy and proud they were, but Squishy didn't really pay attention as he thought he they were done teaching him anything, he wanted to explore Again and ran ahead, leaving the two to converse, as he soon ran into a Frog like creature, as it seemed confused at first,

but seeing Squishy's hair and mistaken him as a Saiyan, fired a swarm of flies at Squishy, who easily was able to move out of the way as he looked at the Frog monster with a sinister grin and before the Frog monster even knew what happened, he was knocked into the wall with great force, while being in a small daze, questioning how he was still alive before he Squishy saw above him, his fist raised in the air ready to strike, as the Frog monster prepared itself for the worse,they soon felt something Petting their head as when they opened their eyes, they saw Squishy Petting them, but with a frown thinking this wasn't as fun as he would like it to be.

But, after a while of calming down, the Frog monster and had a small conversation..which was actually just a bunch of noises, before Squishy bid farewell and Continued walking, before finding his path blocked by spikes....yeah that didn't matter, as he gave a powered up jump over them, and Continued his way, either, jumping and punching his way through trap, after trap, as he kept having the floor fall through under him, but he jumped from wall to wall across to safety.
But soon found himself face to...well face to floor, with a certain ghosty ghoul.

Another chapter done!
Really liking this series and hope y'all are too!
See ya next time!

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