"Light" Training

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Squishy, and Frisk are seen getting along pretty well, as they were playing sword fighting with sticks and all around having a great time, though sometimes they would break the sticks when the collided, but there was plenty of sticks to go around, as they continued to play, as Launch was playing with them Actually, with Toriel and Chi-Chi inside cleaning up, though what was supposed to be a nice time playing with some sticks turned drastic immediately, as Launch had an itch on her nose, causing her to sneeze and turned her hair yellow, confusing Squishy and making Frisk start to sweat slightly, as Launch looked around with a confused look before looking at Squishy.

Launch: "Eh? Who are you supposed to be squirt?" She asked in a completely different style and tone from before, her voice sounding rough now, as Squishy didn't know what to say in response

Launch:"What? Cat got your tongue or are you just trying to be rude, because if it's the latter, then I'll be sure to beat that out of you REAL quick!" She saw Rolling up her sleeve, as Squishy took a step back, even more surprised, as Frisk decided to step in.

Frisk: "Wait! Launch! This Squishy! He's new here!" She frantically explained causing Launch to look at her for a moment before-

Launch:"Ohh, well why didn't ya say so squirt!" She said changing her tune and smiling and roughly ruffling Squishy's hair, but looked to Frisk for an answer for what's happening.

Frisk: "Oh right, Uh Squishy, this is..well Yellow haired Launch, she has two different personalities that switch back forth by sneezing" she explained as Squishy nodded his head, Finally getting an answer, as Launch laughed.

Launch:"Aw I'm not that bad, just don't get me angry and I won't Rip that head off" She explained as she popped her knuckles, as Squishy, somewhat nodded, as he didn't sense a lot of energy from her but thought she had something up her sleeve, as Raditz could be seen walking up to the house with Ranch beside him, as Ranch noticed Launch, she ran over to her

Ranch:"Mom!" She screamed out as Launch looked over in slight surprise as Ranch had jumped up in Launch's arms, giving her a hug as Launch started laughing and set Ranch down.

Launch: "So what is my favorite squirt doing here? Ya done with your training?" She asked with a smile as Raditz walked into the conversation

Raditz: "Ah well you see, about that"
Raditz seemed nervous, but Ranch butted in and said-

Ranch: "He fought another random kid in the ruins.." she Bluntly said as Raditz stammered and tried to explain before getting punched in the head by yellow haired Launch, causing Raditz's head to meet the dirt, though he was completely fine, it looked like it hurt

Launch: "Ya block head! We don't need to go and get sued! Again! Who was the squirt this time!?" She yelled at Raditz who was getting up, but before she could get an answer from her husband, Ranch pulled on her arm to get her attention and then pointed at Squishy, Making Launch, sweat a little as she just threatened to rip the kids head off not to long ago.

Launch: "Oh uh..sorry for the trouble the trouble..kid.." She said not making eye contact, as Frisk giggled slightly at the scene infront of her, As Squishy only waved it off

Squishy: "Oh! It's fine, it was fun, but I did black out at one part" He said as this got Raditz's attention, until "but when I snapped back, I won!" He exclaimed, as Raditz was slightly annoyed by this

Raditz:"Now hold on! I called it off! That doesn't count as a win against me!" He said leaning down towards Squishy's level.

Squishy:" Oh, well then how about we continue?" He asked as he took a stance as Raditz grinned and did the same.

Raditz:"With Pleasure!" He said but was hit in the back of the head by Launch, who let out a stern

Launch:"No!" As Raditz rubbed the back of his head he looked her confused

Launch:"You're just looking for your pants to get sued off aren't you!" She yelled as Raditz tried to explain and calm her down before suddenly blurting out

Raditz:"Alright, Ranch! You fight him!"
He said with a proud smile, and leaving Ranch caught off guard, as Frisk jumped and had her hand raised like she was in a school

Frisk:"Oh! Let me fight too! I've been meaning to train too" She said as either Ranch or Launch could interfere, Raditz screamed out-

Raditz:"WONDERFUL! That's the attitude to have! And so it's fair! Ranch and Frisk will be on a team, a 2v1! How's that sound Squishy? Think you can handle that?"
He asked in and enthusiastic tone with a huge smirk as Squishy jumped in excitement.

Squishy:"This will be fun! ... wait how's this fair?"

Frisk and Ranch were side by side as Squishy was across for them, as Frisk voice a small concern

Frisk:"Won't this be a bit unfair?" She asked looking at Ranch who only shrugged, but Raditz pitched in.

Raditz:"Oh don't worry! He can handle it! I promise! So! Let's get this started! And Ranch! Don't hold back!" He said as he gave the "okay" to begin

Ranch and Frisk launched themselves at Squishy put his hands in an X shape as the both threw a punch, making him slide back before he stopped himself, as he looked up he saw Ranch above him ready to deliver a sledgehammer, he acted quickly and gut punched her, his fist almost visible from the other side, as she was definitely winded and launched into the ceiling of the ruins, as Squishy turned to Frisk, he saw that not infront of him, as he Sensed her behind him, as he turned around, all he saw a red light slash into his vision, as he was sent into the other side of the room from the attack, as When Squishy got up, he saw Frisk had a ki red sword surrounding her hand, as Ranch had recovered and dropped down with an attack ready to fire

Ranch:"Double Sunday!" She screamed and pushed both her hands forward as two side by side purple blasts shot towards Squishy, who was just getting up from the wall, only to be hit directly from the blast and back into the wall with an explosion!
As Frisk looked somewhat worried Ranch thought maybe she overdid it, but suddenly a green light surged from where Squishy was,as power wave was sent throughout the underground, catching the attention, of certain people, causing them to be in disbelief mostly, as the closest one at the moment being Raditz, he felt the color drain from his face as his legs felt weak, as the two girls seems confused, Squishy appeared behind them, the both turned around quickly as Squishy punched Frisk in the head hard, and forced her head to connect to Ranch's as they were both forced into ground, as Squishy has a dark emerald green glow around him.

Ranch:"Double Sunday!" She screamed and pushed both her hands forward as two side by side purple blasts shot towards Squishy, who was just getting up from the wall, only to be hit directly from the blast and back into the wall with an explosion!As...

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Squishy looked furious as he punched the two poor girls into the ground, but seeing his daughter in pain, Raditz rushed in an kicked Squishy away, who quickly recovered and growled at Raditz as he was about to rush him, but as he was about to hit Raditz, he froze up as he seemingly held himself back, as the emerald glow faded away, Squishy fell unconscious, as Raditz took a step back, as he was in a cold sweat

Raditz:"That energy..was no doubt that things...but what..how do you have it.."
He asked himself, as Toriel and Chi-Chi had rushed out and started tending to Frisk and Ranch, as Raditz slowly picked up Squishy, who looked like they were in pain, as Raditz had a small look of pity, before putting Squishy over his shoulder and going to his daughter

What's wrong with Squishy? Will Frisk and Ranch be okay? Will anyone be able to trust Squishy!?
Find out next time!
On Undertale Zkai!

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