Pain from the Past

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Years after Age 461, conclusion of the war. Saiyans and Monsters could be seen being marched into what is known as the underground, as Humans and Tsufurians watched with weapons ready incase any unruly people want to step out of line, as all seemed "calm" and first a small up roar was heard as a boy that looked like a younger Raditz was screaming at a soldier

Raditz:"You'll pay! You hear me! Wait till my dad, or even my brother gets here!" He screamed at the soldiers as they merely chuckle

Human soldier:"Sorry kid, but I doubt they'll be able to do anything, as I'm pretty sure your brother was already dealt with, Kakarot.. right? Yeah, our special project already dealt with him pretty easily"
The human soldier said with a sly smirk as the Tsufurian cleared her throat, getting the attention of them both

Tsufurian soldier:"You mean our project, as you humans didn't really help us with that, but I'm sorry to say little one, your brother was one of the first to... fight.. against our project, though he was a lot of trouble.." the guard said, as she tried to be a lot nicer, as even she felt bad that a kid was going through this

Raditz:"Well! My dad will come and stop you! I guarantee it!" He yelled at them with a look of anger in his eyes as he balled up his fist, before human guard was able to speak, they all heard a voice

???:"Is something the matter here.. what's with all the chit chat with prisoners" an old and rough sounding voice asked as an old looking Tsufurian man floated to the three as the guards saluted, Raditz only growled

Tsufurian soldier:"Not at all, Doctor Lychee"
She said in a matter of fact tone,up holding her pose as she did so, as a lumbering red monster landed behind the now known "Doctor", Making both soldiers cower slightly

Tsufurian soldier:"Not at all, Doctor Lychee" She said in a matter of fact tone,up holding her pose as she did so, as a lumbering red monster landed behind the now known "Doctor", Making both soldiers cower slightly

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Dr.Lychee:"That's good to hear... I'd hate to have to cause any unnecessary casualties now would we?" He asked in a harsh manner as the two soldiers shook their head, as Raditz only growled

Raditz:"You! You're the one that made that thing aren't you!? How can call yourself a fighter if you make something else fight for you!?" He growled at the doctor, as the Doctor and the monster turned towards Raditz who didn't seem intimidated as Dr.Lychee floated over to the child

Dr.Lychee:"Because, you savage, primitive beast, I don't fight" he said as he leaned down towards the child and told him
"I win" as this made Raditz furious as he jumped and tried to punch the doctor, but was caught by a the monster before anyone could have comprehended it, surprising Raditz as the monster lifted Raditz up by his arm, as Dr.Lychee looked at Raditz with an unamused look

Raditz:"J-just wait dad gets here"
He said as Dr.Lychee looked at Raditz more, before Saying

Dr.Lychee:" About I humor you, just to ruin that small piece of hope you have left.... Hatchiyack.." he said looking at the monster, known as Hatchiyack as it's eyes glowed green as within an instant, the long line of monsters and Saiyans suddenly all were transported to the underground, as the soldiers saw that and questioned why they didn't do this in the beginning, as the doctor looked back at Raditz, who was still in Hatchiyack's hand

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