The "Ghostly" relatives Battle

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Squishy came to a stop at the sight infront of him,which what seemed like a ghost and another one those..'Saiyans'..the crazy called himself,as Squishy thought back to it, the only reason he assumed this was for the same tail around their waist and the beyond absolutely crazy long hair that somehow had spikes still, the hair literal came down to the bottom of the man's legs! But anyway they seemed to be having a conversation, of sorts.

"Oh Come on, if you're gonna lay here all day, I'm the front of my yard, you can at least take up my offer!"

The say examined with his arms crossed, as the Ghost seemed more then uncomfortable

"W-well I'm sorry sir... it's just the leaves usually pile up here and make it comfy.. I-I could leave if I'm making to much trouble"

The ghost replied in a sorrow tone, causing the Saiyan to let out an annoyed sigh and wrap his arm around the ghost, causing Squishy to tilt his head instantly in confusion, as the Saiyan continued

"Look, Napstablook, You remind me of myself back in the bad, a coward, weak, but you don't have to be that way! After I reunited with my brother I was able to grow out of the shell! Now! I shall do the same for you! And we'll be doing it the Saiyan way!"

The Saiyan exclaimed with excitement and a hearty laugh, as he actually noticed Squishy and smiled and pointed at him.

"Ah! Perfect! You boy! How do you say to a good old Fight!"

He asked as Squishy's eyes lit up to the word "Fight" as he instinctively took a fighting stance with an excited smile, as the Saiyan let out a-

"Ha Ha! You got spunk kid! I like that! The names Raditz! And this is Napstablook! I hope you're ready squirt!"

Raditz said as he took a stance as Napstablook looked back and forth of them


he was interupted as Squishy let out a-

"Squishy! Not Squirt"

as he thought Raditz butchered his name, as he let out a small roar as his aura burst to life, as Raditz seemed impressed for a moment, going the same as his Aura was a soft red, as Napstablook still looked nervous about the whole thing, but Raditz looked at him and said

"Hey! Come on! This is to help you! And I won't hurt the kid, to much, consider this training!"

He cheered Napstablook, who took it well as Napstablook put on a somewhat brave face and faced Squishy, as the battle was about to commence, as the world suddenly turned a dark with green outlines, Napstablook.. still looking white, but Raditz now looking pure white as well!

(Little something for you, easier to go to YouTube and have it play in the background, as this song was made by ThatGuyWasOnWP, thank you so much!)

Squishy dashed forward as Raditz did the same as the clashed in fisticuffs, Raditz seemingly having the upper hand as he kicked Squishy back, who did a back flip to recover and instinctively fired a silver blast at Raditz was caught of guard and was blasted in the face, as Squishy looked at his hands, as he didn't know how he did that, but in his distraction, he was suddenly pelted with. . . .

Tears?! As Napstablook was adding cover fire for Raditz to recover, as he did so, and rushed Squishy and quickly sledgehammered him while he was distracted by the tears, causing the ground to shatter slightly, causing Raditz to flinch, being caught up by the cheap shot hurting a surprising amount, and.. possibly forgetting his was a kid-

but Squishy quickly recovered and did a hand stand,with his legs held together, and kicked Raditz as he shot himself up and tried firing a blast at Napstablook, but it didn't work as he left himself open to be pelted with more random tears, as Raditz followed up with a blast of his own, hitting Squishy dead on and knocking him into the ceiling and falling down as Raditz did a horizontal spin kick to knock Squishy into the wall on the way down.

Raditz looked towards and started to congratulated Napstablook on his performance, walking over to check on Squishy, it being a kid he silently hoped he didn't break anything, he was off his game, why wasn't he holding back as he normally would?

But Squishy started to shake, as his eyes flashed a bright red and within seconds smashed Raditz into the opposite wall with his fist as Squishy looked at Napstablook, and rushed him, but Raditz appeared infront of Squishy and kicked him backwards, but Squishy recovered immediately as he looked at Raditz with glowing red eyes and held his hand out towards him as he fired a beam towards Raditz, but Raditz was quick to react and fired another beam to meet Squishy's, as the beam collided, a small flash filled the room, as the three fighters were blown back from the collision,

the first to get up was Squishy as Raditz soon followed as Napstablook did the same, as they looked at each other, as Squishy's eyes seemed to be back to normal, and Raditz suddenly bursts out laughing and walked over and picked Squishy up and placed him on his shoulder.

"That was a Saiyan battle there! Guarantee that was more action then Vegeta and fish lady see in a months time!"

He exclaimed as he looked at Napstablook and gave him a thumbs up

"And you did great! Just like I new you would!"

He stated with another hearty laugh, as Napstablook gave a small smile as he looked over at Squishy and tears soon came Squishy's way, he reactively was about to try and knocked them away, but they surrounded the top of his head and formed a top hat,

"Uh..take this as an apology"

Napstablook said, as Squishy soon smiled and gave Napstablook a big thumbs up, and with that Napstablook bid the two a fair well and faded away, as the world seemed to turn back to normal to it's original colors as Raditz looked at Squishy

"So I guess you got pass Chi-Chi and Toriel huh? You seem to have a good ability to impress people, because I don't seem many people get around those two, especially kids"

he said we he stated walking towards the next room directly straight from their current direction, as it lead to a house.

(His house takes up the space where the spider bale sale was)
As he walked towards the door and opened it walking in

"Well since I pulled you into that much trouble and seemed to rough you up a little bit, how about I offer you a place to rest for a while?"

Raditz asked as Squishy's thought about it and looked at himself, he surely was scuffed up but was more upset at his clothes being torn, so thinking he would have to fix that he looked towards Raditz and nodded with a thumbs up as Raditz gained a toothy grin

"Great! Hey! Ranch! You got company!"

He called out as he set Squishy down as he looked towards some stairs as he heard someone coming down them

And that's a wrap! I hope y'all Enjoyed with what I did and yes, I'm using elements from Masako X, because he does good stuff.

Anyway see next time..and does anyone look at the pictures I leave in the title of each chapter?

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