Meeting the Moms.

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Squishy was still on the ground where we last left off, as he sat up and looked around, as he seemed to be sitting in a Garden of sorts,with Flowers such as Roses, Violets, and some Buttercups. There were more, but Squishy didn't care for them as he continued walking through the corridor that was presented infront of him, which lead to an opening with what seemed to had a mysterious light..well lighting it up, as a small grass patch being the only thing there.

As Squishy stood there, he waited for whatever reason, seemingly seeing if anything would happen, he didn't know why he expected anything, as he was about to continue walking, quick footsteps were heard, as he saw a man with black hair some weird looking armour with long shoulder pads pants, underwear at least, run in, looking hurt and out of breath, as the man didn't notice Squishy at first, he soon looked up and saw him.
"You! Wah! What are you doing here!? You're.. you're with those psychos aren't you!?"
He yelled at Squishy, as Squishy only seemed confused and questioning the man's sanity, and being distracted by the tail he saw wrapped around his waist.
"You don't look like much... psh those ladies must underestimate me if they think they hurt me bad enough for this excuse for back up can stop me!" He continued as the man gained a sinister grin, and was suddenly wrapped in dark red aura as the man started screaming, Squishy still confused, copied the man's stance and started screaming himself, finding it quite enjoyable,as Squishy as wrapped in a white aura as well, though the difference being, Squishy's was actually brighter and had more of the energy around him.

"W..what in the world!?" He man screamed out as he looked terrified, before shaking his head and taking a stance again
"I am a Saiyan! I will not tolerate being treated as a fool any longer!" He screamed as he rushed Squishy, who by the way didn't seem to phased, as the man readied a punch, Squishy, basically out of instinct, threw a straight punch at the Saiyan's face

and just then, the Saiyan felt...cold, and everything seemingly slowed down for him, Squishy's fist about to punch his face, he felt all his senses telling him to get away, but he couldn't, he seemed to have lost all sense of will to try, or was frozen in fear, cause all he knew, when this fist hit him-

It would kill him

Realizing this, he instantly started apologizing in his head to people who we can assume he's assaulted or harassed, as the fist came closer and he closed his eyes, he felt something hit..but it wasn't the fist..but hurt just as bad, as he was sent flying into the wall, becoming part of it, as he was Technically saved from his imminent doom, as the person responsible was middle aged lady who has their hair in a bun, but enough let out so hair came down from the side of her head, as this person, was-

"Chi-Chi! Don't you think that was harsh?"

A voice called out to the now named lady of Chi-Chi, who responded with a-

"They were about to attack, yet ANOTHER toddler! What did you want me to do Toriel?"

She explained as she turned and faced, a goat women, Squishy would be more confused, if this wasn't the only sign of life he's ever met, so to him, this was completely normal... or what he expects to be.As the two ladies Continued to go back and forth, Squishy started to get slightly annoyed by all the noise, so he did what any normal being would do if they were born not 10 minutes ago and we're assaulted my some buff monkey man, he screamed, he screamed so loud he shook the room in it's entirety, as the two women had to cover their ears and quickly stopped, as Squishy soon stopped as well, hearing their noisy argument stop.

Now having the attention of both women, they soon realised that he was attacked by the Saiyan, and though they were able to take them on together, what they thought was a child fighting one, made them go into exaggerated motherly care... though I guess it's perfectly exaggerated to be worried about child who seemingly fought a Saiyan of all things, as they instantly started to check and try and heal or bandage any or all damage done to him, but, to them, they thankfully found nothing.

"Well it seems we got her just in time, Toriel why don't you take him back to the house so we can figure out who he belongs too, while I deal with our..friend.."

she said looking back at the Saiyan who was just now getting out of the wall.

"Well... Alright, Just be careful.."

Toriel responded with worry in her tone as Chi-Chi waved her off

"Don't worry about me, how do you think I landed the strongest Saiyan on the planet?"

She replied with grin while Popping her knuckles.

"I wasn't worried about you.."

Toriel said while looking at the Saiyan with pity, which Chi-Chi only gave an deceivingly innocent laugh, as she walked over to said Saiyan, as Toriel sighed and gently Grabbed ahold of Squishy's hand who was kinda just listening and watching as Toriel lead him off through the ruins.

As they walked around the extremely questionable puzzle and such, Toriel tried to make some small talk,

"So, Do you know where your parents are?"

She asked Squishy who looked up at her, as he tilted his head

"Squishy...does not have what is called, Parents."

As Toriel looked somewhat sad, and somewhat confused on how Squishy talked, but she tallied it up to him not having parents, which was weird because she's never seen Squishy or anything like Squishy before,the only resemblance was to a Saiyan, but he didn't have a tail, his hair,was pure white, his skin was so pale you'd think it's snow, and all he has on is some pure black, jump suit, something like Vegeta would wear, looking clothes.

She was gonna continue with some more questions, but her phone started ringing as she answered

"Hello?..what! Oh dear! I'll be over right away! Call Chi-Chi after I hang up and inform her too!"

She said panicky as she hung up and Crouched down to Squishy's level

"Alright, my child, I need you to wait, right here! There's been a small situation, and it needs to be taken care of, I'll be back when I can, and Chi-Chi will be with you if I'm not back in time, behave and be safe, please"

She said as he stood up and quickly ran out of room, which had one dummy on the other side of it, as Squishy just stared at it...MENACINGLY

And to be continued!
Hope y'all Enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!

I also found this amazing picture and thought I'd be crazy not to show it

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I also found this amazing picture and thought I'd be crazy not to show it.

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