Meeting the one and only!

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As we are shown Squishy slowly waking up from his little nap, he's quick to realise that he was alone, in a dark room, a room that was suited for a child that was the age that Squishy looked, as he got up he was confused about what was going on, all he remembered was training with the two girls, before blacking out, assuming he lost, which, strangely, aggravated him slightly, as he twitched just a bit from the thought of it, but he decided it wasn't time for that, as it was two on one, so he thought it was probably unfair to being with, ignoring the fact he agreed to it.

So after getting his bearings, he was Quick to get up and immediately head to the door, as he opened it. . . . It was quiet, so he slowly walked out and examined his surrounding, but couldn't sense the person behind him, mostly to them suppressing their energy, but Squishy soon became known to their presence as Squishy felt a hand on his shoulder, causing him to instantly jerk around ready to punch a head off, but calmed to see good ol Raditz

Raditz:"Hey! It's..uh good to see you up and about, Squishy"

He said greeting Squishy, as he was acting, sorta weird, to Squishy's point of view, as he normally See's Raditz more upbeat and louder then this, even more, he seemed kinda nervous, like that dapper little ghost that gave Squishy that hat...where did that hat go anyway? Squishy was broken out of his thoughts after Raditz Continued

Raditz:"If you're worried about the girls, don't worry, they'll be fine, Toriel, Chi-Chi and Launch fixed them, well Toriel and Chi-Chi did, Launch is still.. feeling yellow, if you know what I mean"

Raditz explained, but this one confused Squishy, why were the girls hurt, didn't HE lose?

Squishy:"Girls..are hurt?"
Squishy asked, as he seemed really confused, as Raditz gave a solemn look for a moment, before letting out a sigh

Raditz:"Here, follow me" he said motioning the White hair creature to follow him, as Raditz lead them to a very, blue looking room, no, like literally blue, that was the only color of this room, besides Ranch and Frisk laying unconscious with their heads bandaged. . .

Squishy:"What, happened to them?"
Squishy asked, though not sounding to concerned, more confused then anything, as he was confused at what could knock them out this hard.

Raditz:"You... really don't remember? Well a summary of, well this, was that you went berserk and beat them, as you passed out soon after"

Raditz explained to Squishy, who after a brief moment, remained silent, before he smiled triumphantly, and looked proud.

He let out as he smiled, causing Raditz to look, conflicted, though not the answer he expected, it's not the one he wanted either

Raditz:"Why are you so happy? You know you knocked out the two of them? You hurt them, your friends?"

Raditz asked, mostly testing what he would say, and partly ready to do something, that, might have to be done, but hoped it wasn't needed, and waited for Squishy's answer.

Squishy:"Because! I won! I'm the strongest!"
He told Raditz, with such childish glee and pure joy that he won, causing Raditz to be, well surprised slightly, before he started giving a hearty laugh for a moment, as he looked relieved about something

Raditz:"Oh dear kami, and here I thought I should have been worried, you're nothing more then a child after all!"

Raditz said as he only confused Squishy, as Raditz pats Squishy's head as he moved them both out of the room

Raditz:"Man, I can't believe I thought you'd be some monster like that thing, Ha!"

Raditz said to himself as he Squishy only remained confused, as Raditz noticed by Squishy's face, expressing his confusion

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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