Meeting the Raditz Family and others

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As Raditz called a person named Ranch to come down stairs a young girl with long black hair, a big red ribbon to add to it, along with a red belt and arm bands too,
As also she wore a plain blue short-sleeved shirt with orange baggy pants, and having a tail the same as Raditz letting Squishy know she was a Saiyan too, but anyway, the girl who is know as Ranch, comes down and see Squishy with Raditz and frowned slightly crossing her arms and stated-

"Dad! Me and mom told you can't just bother random people in the ruins!"

Ranch Said forcefully making her now known dad,Raditz, flinch

"Ah! Uh well no! Ranch you see I got this little guy to train with me an-"
He was immediately interupted by her again

"Oh god dad! You're gonna get us sued by his parents! Oh knowing you, you probably knocked something loose! Ugh jeez come on kid I have some first aid in the kitchen"

Ranch said in a 'in charge' tone as she grabbed Squishy's arm and pulled him into the kitchen as Squishy looked back at Raditz for guidance of sorts, but Raditz look just as clueless on what to do, as Ranch set him down and she got the First aid kit from a cabinet and set it down on the table and opened it up.

"Alright, so what's broken, pierced,and or shattered?"

She asked in a tone like she's done this before, as was looking at the first aid kit's equipment, listing in for what Squishy would say.

"Squishy is fine!"
He responded with lifting his arm, a small crack being heard, as he did so, but he didn't seem bothered by it, actually, he found it slightly interesting as he moved his arm repeatedly as it made the cracking sound more, but Ranch grabbed his wrist to make him stop and placed a small bean in his hand

"Sounds like broken or fractured bones, this should fix it." She said as she closed the first aid kit, but it was really just filled with senzu beans, as Squishy ate the bean and immediately felt better then before as jumped in the air, doing a small flip before landing, as Raditz finally decided to walk in with the two, as Ranch still looked at him like an upset parent, but put on a natural smile and faced Squishy offering her hand.

"Well now that your better, I'm Ranch, and I'm sorry for any inconveniences my father gave you" she said bowing her head slightly as Squishy smiled and shook her head happily.

"Oh! It's fine! It's fine! Radish was fun and strong! Had fun fight!" Squishy told her as he flinched slightly at the way he talked but thought he'd fix it later, as Ranch only smiled and laughed slightly, before sighing

"So, I'm assuming you hit their head too?"
Ranch asked her Dad with a small ammused smile as Raditz only rubbed the back of his head replying with

"Well, I did knock him into the wall" which made Ranch immediately drop the smile and give a deep sigh, as Squishy was messing with his top hat Napstablook gave him, as Ranch asked if her dad if she even know the parents to which Raditz told her that this is first time he's to the ruins, and he doesn't sense anyone who has any energy remotely like him.

As that conversation went on Squishy eventually got bored and wanted to continue exploring but Raditz asked

"Hey, kid, who and where are your parents?"

As he mostly wanted to make sure he got to them safely as Squishy responded with

"Hm, no idea"

he stated bluntly as he as he walk out then the door, leaving the two Saiyans in a small state of shock as they just stared at each other, not sure what to do.

As Squishy left the house and continued on his journey, he was instantly met with more puzzles, like switches in holes or behind pillars to lower spikes, but he just jumped over them as he continued on his way, and eventually made his way to a split off in the path,one leading to a house and another to another hall way, but Curious, he followed the hall way path, but it just lead him a dead end to a balcony with a view of a bunch of empty houses,but he looked over to find a an empty plate with crumbs and a fork,

Squishy left it and walked back to the path and doing towards the direction of the house and stood infront of a giant dead tree, Squishy stared at it and felt slightly bad, as he petted the tree before walking around and it and took a step towards the house before the door shot open, as Toriel and Chi-Chi ran and stopped infront of Squishy, talking so fast not even he could understand, but he knew they were either mad, or worried... maybe both.

But they both eventually called down
"Squishy, what happened to you?! We we're so worried, we just got a call from Raditz saying you're heading this way!"

Chi-Chi explained, as Toriel continued
"We thought you got lost or trapped in one of the puzzles"

she said a lot calmer then Chi-Chi, as a new voice was heard
"Oh come on now, he's safe and sound, now come on in and enjoy some pie!"
Said a women who had dark blue hair and looked younger then Toriel and Chi-Chi.

"I suppose you're right Launch..." Toriel eventually agreed as she gently took a hold of Squishy's hand and lead him into the house as Chi-Chi followed behind, as Squishy entered the house he looked around at how cozy it was as the sweet smell of something caught his attention as he walked into the living room like area and saw a girl that seemed to have brown hair in the shape of a bob cut, until the bottom of it as started to grow out and be messy, and with eyes that seemed to be close, with a Blue, sweater? With some purple stripes, and black-ish shorts,as we all know this person as-

"Oh hello! My name is Frisk!"
Frisk said as she was now standing in front of Squishy offering a hand shake as Squishy accepted the hand shake with a smile
"Squishy! I'm Squishy!"

Thank you for making it this far!
Hope you liked it and get ready for more!
See ya next time!

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