The Hologram

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Catra stretched and yawned while watching the convoy begin to advance once again. The Whispering Woods were... beautiful. After She-Ra healed the land and turned the Horde's flagship into a broccoli, Etheria had changed inmeasurably.
Colours were vibrant all around and the dense foliage of the trees hummed and chittered as all kinds of little animals and insects moved.

A dumb smile was slowly forming on her face. And Scorpia noticed, loading two bags on her shoulder and walking up to her.

"You okay, there Catra? You are smiling. Be careful not to hurt yourself"
Catra snapped out of it and glared at Scorpia, lightly punching one of her pincers.

"What. Can't I just breathe for a bit and look around? We are killing ourselves out here doing the dirty work while the others get to play with that stupid ship."

Scorpia laughed and started walking once again. The convoy of workers behind them followed the pace
"Nah, I was just messing with you. You know. It's still a little weird. You only used to laugh when you were punching something, fighting something or evily plotting domination of something."
Catra's ears lowered noticeable and she looked away from her. Flashbacks rushing through her memory: Adora hanging from a ledge in the Crystal Palace, the portal's lever...

Scorpia noticed the sudden darkness on her face and gasped, dropping the bags and hugging (crushing) Catra.
"No no no! It was just a joke! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories!"
Catra struggled and broke free of the hug, crawling away, but chuckled lightly looking at Scorpia.

"Don't worry. I'm okay. It's just... I'm tired. That's all. And I... Well. Just tired"
Scorpia sighed and grabbed the bags. Catra catched up and walked with her again.

"Just tired, huh? Not... missing a certain blonde lady that turns into an 8-foot-tall sword wielding badass?"
Catra chuckled and looked at her.
"Says the pointy princess that couldn't keep her pincers from snuggling Perfuma in all the 3 days we were in Plumeria"

Scorpia blushed deeply and started waving her pincers
"What? I was not snuggling her... I was just... holding she could... move faster...Yes! That's it"
Catra laughed and shook her head.

"Look at you. Fearless Force Captain Scorpia defeated by the charms of Perfuma. Adora still wins though. She is indeed an 8-foot tall sword wielding badass. Minus the tiara. And the cape. And those boots. And all the ridiculous outfit. It would be better if she just transformed into an 8-foot sword wielding Adora."
Scorpia blushed again but giggled
"Careful there Catra. You are starting to purr just by thinking about it"

Their conversation was interrupted by a little yelp that came from the trees. Melog materialized and rushed towards Catra, tugging its head on her hand.
"Look who's here! It seems like we'll have to continue this conversation over some drinks in Bright Moon Scorpia. Unlike you, Melog is terrible at keeping secrets"

Melog started tugging Catra's hand more insistently and yelped again. Something was wrong. Catra frowned and looked at Melog. With another yelp, it started running towards the trees.
"Melog! Wait!"
Catra lunged and started running behind it. Scorpia dropped the bags and followed. Melog ran for a bit, leaving the convoy behind, and led them towards a small clearing in the woods. Then suddenly stopped.

Catra reached the clearing, panting, and was about to reprimand Melog when she saw something. A ruin. First One's by the looks of it. And there was someone at its gates.
She frowned and sneaked through the bushes, trying to get a better view of the person. But Scorpia stopped her, placing once pincer on her shoulder.
"Catra wait. Look"

As she turned her head, the figure flickered and started walking around. It was kind of hazy, so Catra had trouble trying to define it's features. The figured walked towards the edge of the clearing. The further it walked from the ruin's gates, the more difficult it was to identify its form. After a while, the figure turned around and walked back towards the ruins, dissappearing through the gate. But the moment it stepped inside, Catra could get a clear glimpse of it's figure.
It was a woman. A winged woman.

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