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A week went by after the group returned from Despondos. The general mood in Mystacor was perfect. Glimmer and Micah had spent most of the week updating Angella on the war with Horde Prime and everything that happened in her absence. The princesses were all having a blast together, taking a vacation from their kingdom's duties. All except Entrapta. Neither she nor Hordak had been seen ever since the group returned from Despondos.

Adora and Catra walked together through the gardens, holding hands. They had been spending a lot more time together ever since they came back. And it was showing. Catra seemed way more relaxed and comfortable. Adora smiled to herself, getting lost on her facial features, until she was pulled out of her daydream by Catra's voice.

"Hey, you are gonna up hurting me with the intensity of that stare. What? Am I that pretty?"

Adora blushed and chuckled, answering.

"Nah. I wasn't looking at you. I was looking at those flowers. They are far more interesting."

Catra pouted and gently punched her in the arm. Adora laughed warmly and sighed, as she kept walking. With a sigh, Catra laid her head against Adora's shoulder and nudged her a bit. Adora closed her eyes and caressed her hair.

"Months ago, if someone told me we'd get this far together, I would have laughed in his face. But hey, here we are."

Catra looked at her with a snarky smile.

"What... you gonna go all lovey-dovey on me now? Look at you. One day you are tearing enemy drones apart with just your fist and the next one you are going all soft and mellow"

Catra chuckled as Adora frowned, but she was caught by surprise when Adora tackled her to the ground. They both rolled through the floor, laughing heartily when suddenly, Adora's pad started beeping. Adora took it out and turned it on. Entrapta's face appeared on screen. She had huge eye bags, as if she hadn't slept all week, and spoke in her usual high-pitched voice.


The transmission was cut immediately. Adora looked at Catra and shrugged, speaking.

"Well... We should go check on her. She doesn't look too good. She didn't take Darla's sacrifice well."

Catra nodded and jumped up, helping Adora get on her feet.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Entrapta's lab. Adora was about to barge in when Catra took her hand with a judgemental glare and knocked on the door first.


Adora chuckled with a "sorry" face as they both walked in. The interior was a complete and utter mess. Pieces of metal and all kind of tech were lying around. And in the center, both Entrapta and Hordak were standing in front of some kind of contraption. Adora spoke first.

"Entrapta? We're here. Are you okay? You look...awful."

Entrapta didn't reply, as she turned around and walked towards Adora, taking her hand again. The burn marks had almost healed, but Entrapta looked at them intently and spoke to her recorder.

"Good. Mnemonic impressions on hand cross-referenced again. It seems like the picture held the full sequence well enough. Ready for final testing fase".

She turned around and went back to the contraption, tinkering with it. Hordak sighed and walked to Adora and Catra, speaking in a soft tone.

"I suppose you both have questions. Shoot"

Adora looked at Catra and asked.

"Is she okay? She looks really...focused on that...tech...thing"

Hordak looked behind him with a worried expression.

"She...is tired. I've spent the whole week trying to get her to eat and sleep. But she's too concentrated on the Personality Matrix. She doesn't even listen to me."

Adora raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, a personality matrix? She's creating a new Darla?"

Hordak shook his head.

"No. She believes that she can recover original Darla. Those burn marks on your hand look like a mnemonic impression"

Adora and Catra looked at him with a plain stare. Adora spoke first.

"Ooooh riiiiight a mnemonic impression. Of course. That. I knew what it was"

Hordak facepalmed and sat down, ready to explain. Catra and Adora did the same.

"A mnemonic impression is kind of...a code. It takes the form of diverse markings that when processed by the right processor, can hold the data required to run a program. Entrapta believes Darla intended to self-preserve herself using that method. And that's why in the heat of the moment, she used a power surge to brand the impression on your hand."

Adora looked at her hand as her eyes sparkled with anticipation. She stood up and walked towards the contraption. Entrapta noticed her and smiled, faltering for a bit. Luckily, Hordak was already behind her before she fell and held her.

"Entrapta, you should get some sleep. You are exhausted"

Entrapta caressed his hand and kissed him on the cheek, replying in a soft tone.

"I will. I promise. Bur first...Let's boot it up."

Entrapta pressed a few buttons and pulled a lever, as Adora and Catra backed up a bit. The contraption twisted and turned for a bit, lighting up. Entrapta ran towards her keyboard and started typing in a fast succession, as the contraption kept powering up.

Lights flickered slowly. And suddenly, a holographic ball popped over it right before power was cut off. Entrapta rushed towards the ball and knelt next to it, speaking with a shaky voice.


The ball flickered a bit and tilted to one side.

[Good morning, Lady Entrapta. Good morning, Adora. Initializing connection reset]

Entrapta tried to jump excitedly, but she was so weak she just tumbled into Hordak's arms. He took her into his arms and slowly carried her to the bed, speaking softly.

"Now, it's time for you to sleep. And I won't accept a no as an answer. You're at your limit. And I won't allow you to push yourself further"

Meanwhile, Adora smiled brightly and hugged the holographic ball. Darla screeched softly.

"I thought we had lost you. Don't you ever dare lie to us again or we'll make you scrap, understood?"

The ball shook happily in what seemed like a nod as Hordak returned with a smile on his face. Suddenly though, the holographic ball turned green. Hordak frowned and rushed towards a terminal. His eyes widened in surprise, as Darla spoke.

[Connection to the Interdimensional Depot, stablished. Stellar Vessels on range detected: 2]

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