The Depot

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Adora reluctantly let go of Catra and sighed, smiling at her

"Are you gonna be okay? We can retire if you need some rest"

Catra shook her head and took a deep breath.

"Nah. I'll be fine. Let's just...not do that again anytime soon. I hate these places"

Adora nodded and stood up, helping her up too. Bow, Glimmer and Scorpia had stood a bit separated to give them some space, but the sparkles in Bow's eyes betrayed his cuteness overload. Catra hissed.

"Not a single word or I'll scratch you. I mean it"

Bow covered his mouth trying to hide a smirk and whispered so only Glimmer could hear it.

"So cuuuute"

Adora chuckled and turned around, looking at the empty hallway.

"We should continue carefully. I can feel a draft ahead, so there must be another room."

The group acknowledged and started following her, looking around with interest and caution. As they advanced, the runes on the walls began forming patterns and images. They could see a lot of orbs and circles. And there were lines connecting each orb together with a faint red glow.

"It looks like some kind of galactic chart, doesn't it? Maybe we should have brought Entrapta"

Glimmer gripped her staff as she talked, confused. Adora waved her hand dismissively.

"Nah, not necessary. If this is like other First One's ruins, there should be some kind of console or hologram that explains what this place is"

Glimmer shrugged and looked at Scorpia, who walked absentmindedly with a smile on her face.

"You okay there, Scorpia? You haven't said anything since we walked inside the ruin"

Scorpia got a bit startled and looked at Glimmer, waving her pincers.

"Oh! I'm okay. I was just thinking about those vines that seem to creep all the way up to the top of the ruins. I'm sure Perfuma would find them beautiful and was wondering which would be the best way to grab a sample without hurting its flowers"

Bow made an almost 360º head spin and looked at her, excitedly

"Ooh! That's perfect! I've been working on a flora containment unit by her request. And I happen to have it here! We could use it to test its effectiveness!"

The group advanced talking cheerfully for a while. The hallway seemed to stretch further and further into the earth, but finally, they spotted a big arch opening into a massive room with some kind of pedestal in the middle.

"Seems like we're here!"

Adora grabbed Catra's hand and rushed towards the pedestal, placing a hand on it.


The room began shaking as the group approached the center. And suddenly, from the pedestal, a highly disfigured hologram sprung screaming and sending chills all over their backs. Bow jumped into Glimmer's arms, Scorpia raised her pincers, Catra's tail got puffy and Adora almost fell on her butt.

"Yup. It seems this one is broken. It shouldn't scream like that...should it?"

Bow booped Glimmer's nose and got down, walking towards the pedestal and kneeling before it, taking his analyzer pad.

"It seems like there's some kind of power outage around here. I reckon I could track it easily. Juuuust...this way!"

Bow walked towards a door at the other side of the room and opened it. An automatic turret whirred into life and aimed at him immediately. With a fast kick, Bow closed the door again and looked at the group with a drop of sweat running down his forehead and a big smile.

"Okay, definitely not that way. It's...this way!"

Catra sighed annoyed and walked towards one of the walls, dragging her hand through the plain metal paneling. After a few steps, she found what appeared to be some kind of slot in the wall"

"Hey, genius. I think I found something! And there's a pretty big sword icon drawn under the slot, so I'm guessing maybe your sword goes here, Adora?"

Adora nods and runs towards the wall, patting Catra on the back as she passes her. Scorpia smiles and nods at Catra, making a thumbs up with her pincers.

"Good job, kitty"

Bow put his tracker pad inside his bag and looked at Glimmer with a plain stare.

"I could have found that too"

Glimmer chuckles and takes his hand, kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm sure you would, love"

Adora sighed and with a hand gesture, the sword materialized in her hand, placing it then on the slot in the wall.

This time, the whole room came to life as lights and panels began lighting all around it. The pedestal in the center began pulsating with energy and suddenly, a massive holographic map began expanding through the room, with a big orb glowing right atop the pedestal.

"That's...Etheria! This looks like a map! A galactic map!"

Adora ran towards the pedestal excitedly, followed by Glimmer

"Yess! This is EXACTLY what we had been looking for. With this map we can begin visiting other planets right away!"

Glimmer began teleporting around the room, looking at different planets and stars around. When the map finally settled in, a default First One's hologram appeared in front of the pedestal.

[Interdimensional Depot: Reinitialized. Sensor Array: Nominal. Star Vessels on range: One. Portal Capacity: Deactivated. Interdimensional Contention Agent: Nominal]

Adora whistled in awe and walked towards the hologram, tilting her head.

[Administrator She-Ra: Detected. What's your query?]

Adora looked at Catra and smiled.

"It seems like it's working alright. Ummm... What does this place do exactly?"

The hologram flickers a bit and answers.

[The interdimensional depot serves as both a hangar bay for ships, a map room and a dimensional gateway]

Adora frowned.

"Wait, what was that about dimensional gateways?"

The hologram flickered again.

[This facility holds the power to infuse a Ship's Matrix with the power of Quantum Interdimensional Travel]

Glimmer and Bow jumped excitedly.

"Wait wait wait... So not only can we use the map to travel the galaxy? We can move through dimensions too? THAT'S SO COOL"

The hologram shook its hand

[Negative. Portal Capacity: Deactivated. Interdimensional Contention Agent: Nominal]

Scorpia pondered for a second and asked:

"So... If this... Interdimensional contention thingy person is deactivated, the ship could travel to dimensions maybe?"

The hologram nodded

[Affirmative. Does administrator wish to open a comm link to Interdimensional Contention Agent?]

Adora nodded

"Yes, please"

The room began shaking a bit and a hole in the wall suddenly began emitting a very bright ray of light against the pedestal. Another figure began materializing next to the First One's hologram. A figure Catra and Scorpia had already seen earlier.

[Comm Link Status: Partial. Coordinate input: SYNTAX ERROR]

Adora and Bow's eyes widened as they stared at the holographic figure in front of them. Glimmer fell to her knees in complete shock.


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