Part 12

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Part 12

Quinn’s POV

I promptly went home and called my mother, she would know how to handle women, seeing as she was one. I told her about the date, every single detail and asked her what I had done wrong. Hopefully, she would be able to tell me what I had done wrong.

“Quinn, honey, sometimes I wonder if I raised you to respond carefully to questions right.” She sighs as I finish telling my story.

“Even I know what you did wrong, son.” Dad speaks up.

“Am I on speaker?!” I exclaim, shocked.

“Yes, I couldn’t very well hold the phone and cook dinner, now could I? I have more things to do than become your relationship advisor, sweetie, no matter how much I love that you’re coming to me for relationship advice.” She replied, calmly.

“Oh, oh, can I tell him what he did wrong?” Jason spoke up.

“Who else is listening to this?!” I asked, upset.

“Just us.” Mason and Jack reply.

“Geez mom, why not tell the entire pack house?” I remarked, sarcastically.

“Oh, don’t be so dramatic.” She waved me off.

I rolled my eyes but heard what Jason had to say.

“You told her you had found what you were looking for, but you never specified what it was. Penny might think you came to town looking for an item and now that you found it, you’re going back, and that she was only a side interest. She doesn’t feel like you’ll stay now that you found whatever it is you were looking for. You screwed up, man.” Jason explains.

“That’s not what I wanted at all. I was just trying to flirt with her!” I responded.

“You know girls, man,” Jack piqued up.

“Especially my sister,” Mason interjected.

“They always misinterpret and over think anything you say.” Dad added.

This response was backed by silence, of mom’s glare probably.

“While that was a gross generalization and borderline sexist, it is true. Women do tend to worry a lot about what a guy says. You need to reassure her that you’re not going anywhere and that whatever you were looking for isn’t nearly as important as her. Now, how you choose to do that, is up to you.” Mom explained.

“Alright, thanks guys.” I conceded.

“Good luck!” They all replied back, before hanging up.

I smiled; I always enjoyed talking to my family, even if they were being a bit annoying.

I went to catch some sleep before going to Penny’s house tomorrow and explaining to her what I had meant. I took out my phone again once I was in bed and texted her.

“Good night, princess. See you soon.”

I lay silently in bed, contemplating my future with Penny as I drifted off into oblivion.


I was more than ready when I heard my alarm clock go off in the morning. I jumped out of bed and ran around trying to get ready so that I could see Penny today. I had a wonderful idea that would help me reverse the mistake I made. I got to her house extra early seeing as it was Friday and I wanted to spend the entire day with her. I waited patiently for her to come outside but when she didn’t come out after half an hour, I began to worry. I decided to give her a call.

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